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"1, 2, 3!" Brynn raised her arms up and dived. She fell down, down, down. The wind blowing back her long blonde hair, the pink streak flaring in the wind. A soft smile plastered on her face as she went down with her eyes closed. Nobody would jump from Ender's Cliff into the water below. Everyone said it was instant death. Brynn knew better. She's heard of two people who actually did it before and lived. The first was David Carter who graduated high school long ago and moved to Texas to live with his childhood love. The second one being her own big brother who did it a couple years ago. She saw him jump with her own two eyes. Besides, doing things like this was right up her alley.

Brynn gasped as she hit the cold water. She could hear the muffled voices from above probably talking about how she must be dead. She could imagine the distressed face Kaylee was most likely wearing. She smirked to herself, oh the lecture she was going to get after this one. Brynn decided to jump on impulse, well with a little help. Ender's Cliff sounded pretty scary but it was a great place to have picnics or just hang out because of the breathtaking view. She was having a picnic with Kaylee, and a few other people in her grade before she got hot and Brock Jones suggested she jump off the cliff jokingly. He obviously didn't know her very well.

She could hear the huge collective sigh of relief as she surfaced. She turned on an electric smile and gave a thumbs up, "The water's great!" She yelled out. Then she began to do a backstroke, eyes closed and her serene grin coming back.


"You're an idiot," Kaylee stated as Brynn rolled her eyes.

"Just grab me the towel in the back seat," Bynn said getting into her car. Her best friend huffed but still reached an arm back and grabbed the beach towel that laid in the back seat. Kaylee's been her friend since they both popped out of their moms. Kaylee was the voice of reason in this relationship. Not to mention she was the one that always told her how stupid she was being.

"You could've hit your head on a rock, or you could've drowned, or you could've I don't know gotten eaten by a shark!" Kaylee exclaimed, her hand movements getting more and more wild as she suggested different dangerous scenarios.

"Oh relax, there's no sharks in those waters," Kaylee was just a worry wart. Brynn knew that Kaylee cared about her but she was fully capable of taking care of herself. This wasn't the first time she did something this dangerous (or stupid depending on who you talked to) and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

"Brynn, one day you're going to do something dangerous and not get out of it alive,"

"So what? You don't have faith in me? Come on K, I was just having some fun," She said taking her eyes off the road for a fraction of a second to give Kaylee a playful grin.

"Whatever, I'm just saying that you need to be careful. I know you can't help but do stupid things and that you're not scared of anything but you need to think about the other people around you. How do you think Asher and I would react if you died?" Brynn physically tensed up and her grip on the steering wheel tightened. Kaylee noticed this and sighed, "I'm just saying, be careful."

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," Brynn assured her keeping her gaze locked onto the road. Hands still tightly gripping the wheel.

Kaylee didn't look very convinced but moved on anyway, "Hey, do you think Dalton's over at your house?"

This made Brynn break out into a grin. Kaylee's had a crush on her brother's best friend for ages. It was pretty adorable and minorly hilarious, "I don't know, probably,"

"Let's just go to your house then,"

Brynn chuckled, "Alright,"

It wasn't before long they pulled up into the driveway of Brynn's house. Other people considered it tiny and shabby but to her it was home. The baby blue paint was beginning to peel and one of the windows was cracked. The roof probably needed to be replaced in some spots and the doorbell lost it's ding ages ago. Brynn brightened at the welcome mat and the flowers that were flourishing. The scents mingled together and got a sneeze out of Kaylee. Her keys jingled as she slid the right one into the lock and pushed the door open. Brynn cried out, "Asher I'm home, and I brought Kaylee!" She added as an after thought. Might as well warn her brother and possibly Dalton of what's to come.

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