RP 22

11 1 0

I wondered how they would feel seeing themselves through my eyes.

They did not want to see through my eyes.

They did not want to look through their eyes either.

They did not want to see.

I knew they did not want to see.

I decided to lead anyway.

I kept my eyes open for both of us.

I held their hand and guided them through our journey.

Then we stopped moving.

I pulled them towards me.

They would not budge.

I was angry,

"Why would you say you wanted to if you didn't?"

A sad question followed by an unsatisfying answer.

So we were stuck.

They would not budge.

They would not let go of my hand either.

So I sawed my hand off.

They watched me do it.

They smiled the whole time.

It made me sick.

I gave them my left hand.

I handicapped me at the beginning of my long journey.

I had a new conviction to complete my mission.

I turned to face the road ahead.

I walked away from them, leaving my hand in my stead.

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