Expunged :3

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==identified ==
gender-fluid (canon), though uses she/her/he/him/they/them/it/its the most
autistic, despite being loud theirself.. chattering of to many voices can annoy and overwhelm them sometimes if not all the times
they have bipolar
==stuff idk how to classify==
he has a select group of people he will allow to be around him without threatening them or murdering them

she has a hard time comprehending emotions other than rage, frustration, anger, chaos, insanity, and just being purely unhinged or sassy..

it has a hard time showing emotions that wouldn't count as 'all powerful chaos god'

they have anxiety with dealing with people and often just gets it out with anger instead of fear or terror

they have a hard time expressing love.. but they show it by bringing gifts.. of bones, teeth, skulls, and more random things they'd find in a forest

expunged is in love with bendu, but doesn't exactly know how to confess anything

he seems like he hates his brother, yet he is tolerant of him.. only tolerant of him, but he can recall good times with bandu

she tends to forget her strength and ends up slight pain the person she's interacting with.. like holding hands? squeeze.. hugs? squeeze.. awkward patting? basically slapping on the head..

it created the minions not only to do bidding, but to try and feel the concept of caring.. it has sort of gotten the hang of it

he is not good with any physical touch.. he barely knows how to hug

she has a black dragon-like tail with red feathers on the end

despite being a 'all powerful chaos god' it is surprising fluffy, as well as bandu

they are very sadistic (who would've guessed) in general, feeding off of the terror and pain they give people around them.. that they of course don't care about..

when he feels a strong emotion, his voice gets more and more glitchy and echoey the stronger the emotion is

she likes staying in her 'true form' because she thinks it looks more imitating

it uses the number typing quirk when texting to people because it thinks it's fun..// 0 = o // 4 = a // 1 = i // 3 = e // for example; "h3y b1tch, w4nt 4 p1x13 st1ck? n0? d4mn"

++people they care for in order++

bambi minions
trix's (butch, bad, and algebra)

(i might add more to this one, i'm not sure)

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