Chapter Thirty-Seven: White Day

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Yomi-no-kuni (The Land of the Dead)

Hideo had visited Lady Misaki's abode in the past, but he had never been invited beyond the guest area, let alone her bedroom. A single candle provided illumination to their dim surroundings as the court lady removed the ornaments from her hair before loosening it.

The sight reminded Hideo of a time long past when he had become acquainted with his wife Tsuru, and they'd consummated their marriage out of obligation. At least, that was how it had felt on his end. Tsuru had been domineering in bed, exhausting his mind and his strength until he was left lying stiff as a log.

Hideo swallowed and shook his head to drive the shameful memory from his mind. There was nothing suggestive about this meeting with Lady Misaki. He was simply here to inspect her new meatsuit for any defects that might blow their cover in the mortal realm.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked as her back remained turned. "I have been up there thrice, and I can say that adjusting is no easy task. We must also be careful about what we do and who we meet so we don't have to erase memories."

"I understand," Lady Misaki replied in a quivering voice that contrasted her usual confidence and betrayed her uncertainty. "This is the only way I can meet my brother."

Hideo chose to overlook her anxiety, since he knew that traveling to the mortal realm would mean another chance to make amends with Yukari. He swallowed and reached out to brush aside Lady Misaki's straight black hair, catching a glimpse of her masked face in the dressing table mirror.

"I expect you to remove that as well. It's important that I make sure your face passes as a normal one."

Lady Misaki remained steadfast. "I don't need you to confirm it for me. I already know how I look."

Hideo frowned and placed his hands upon her shoulders, which caused her to flinch. "You'll have to take the damned mask off sooner or later. Better to get it over with now."

"Fine." The vacant eyes of Lady Misaki's noh mask shifted towards him. "But take your brutish hands off me first."

"Whatever you say." Hideo stepped back and held his breath in anticipation as she curled her nimble fingers around the base of the mask, then began to lift it away from her face, revealing a pale and smooth chin that suggested she was younger than he'd assumed.

The mask came off completely and Lady Misaki set it down on her dressing table. "There. Are you happy now?"

"I..." Hideo struggled to find the words to describe what he saw. "You look..."

"Like an ordinary woman?" Lady Misaki replied as if his reaction was an annoyance to her. "I don't know what you were expecting."

Her voice brought Hideo out of his confusion, and he was finally able to form coherent thoughts in his mind. He studied Lady Misaki, or Isa's, reflection in the mirror. Perhaps the only physical trait she shared with Ichiro were those soft and expressive eyes that could entrance anyone who stared into them long enough.

If she really was Ichiro's sister, then she clearly took after another relative, though this didn't change the fact that she was just as blessed when it came to her appearance. He could understand now why she was one of Izanami-no-Mikoto's favorite ladies-in-waiting. The goddess of death had a strong appreciation for beauty despite her cruel nature.

"Stop gawking. Isn't there a family you want to be reunited with?"

"Yes, indeed." Hideo looked away from his client while remembering what was truly important. He was on the verge of serving fifty years as a shinigami and having one of his greatest wishes granted, so it would be utter foolishness to squander his progress by having an affair. "That was indecent of me. I'll leave and let you get undressed."

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