Chapter 10

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~Harry's POV~

"Please fasten your seat belts we will be landing shortly." I overheard in my dreams, but I didn't even bother waking up.

"Harry, babe wake up." I heard her sweet voice whisper into my ear as I mentally smile at her and wait for her to sigh. She always fall for this, I would wait pretend to sleep until she finally kissed me wake. She would always kiss my cheeks first and then my lips which was brave of her since I usually had morning breath.

"Sir." She said gentlest shaking my shoulder trying to get me awake. She had called me sir, which seemed to stunned me. Dani finally sigh loudly which signaled I had once again won. Soon her hand rest softly on my shoulder as she fastened on my seat belt? I heard it click and soon her footsteps walked away. I open my eyes only to get stunned by the bright light in the plane. Had I dreamed about Dani being here? I look around for her but saw no trace of her. A air stewardess walked down the aisle and I stopped her.

"Excuse have you seen the girl who fastened my seatbelt?" I asked looking at the young woman who was probably in her early 20's. She had her blonde hair up in a right bun which showed off her bright brown eyes. If I would have seen her before I met Dani I would have stopped her and asked for her number. But now she was just another face, she wasn't Dani and no where compare to her.

"Oh, that was me I am sorry if I woke you up, but we are going to be landing soon." She said with a sweet smile which I just nodded to before letting go back to whatever she was doing. In only about thirty minutes I was going to be able to go back to my flat. Alone. I frowned and dug my iPhone out my pocket which was off. I sat and waited for the passcode screen to pop up. After a few minutes it does and I quickly type in my passcode before I am spammed with tweets, texts, missed calls, and voicemails. I ignore all of them and focus on what I was doing. I find Abby's contact and send her a quick text telling her I was arriving soon. I wait for her response which appears only a few minutes later.

From: Abbbbbyyyyyyy!! Kay! I'll head out to pick you up now! Love, Abs!! Xx I turn my phone off again but before I do I receive a text from the one person I longed to see.

From: Dani<3 Harry, everyone is worried...can you at least call one of us? No signature, no hearts, no kisses, just a simple message. I decide to call her back after I get back to my flat. I slip my phone back into my pocket and lean my head back against the head rest.

"Welcome to England and please exit in an orderly fashion and thank you for flying with..." I drown out the rest of what the captain says. Soon we after land and I stay in my seat while everyone around me gets up. After a few more minutes only a few people were left behind and I decide to get up. I grab my carry on and head out the door. As I walk towards the door to get out the same air stewardess who I had mistaken with Daniella stops me.

"Thank you for flying with us, plus come back soon," she paused and leaned up towards me.

"Or you can call me." She said slipping a small piece of paper into my back pocket. I frown of her and take it out while placing it back into her hand.

"I am not interested." I haul my bag higher up my shoulder and walk away from the plane feeling empty and alone. Soon I am able to make it down and I to the airport to wait for Abby. I sat down in one of the cold chairs and sit the beanie on my head so it covers almost all my recognizable curls under it.

"I know who you are, and if you don't come with me I'll scream." Someone whispers in my ear before grabbing my hand and pulling me away. After a few more steps she pulls me into a small Starbucks in the airport. I couldn't tell anything about her except that she was very fit and had her hair which was the same shade of brown as Abby's pulled into a bun.

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