No fucing way

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The slytherin showed me around after that we went to the Cammen room. They weren't as bad as everyone thinks.
"Let's play a game " Pansy said
"Like what?" Draco asked her
" truth or dare " Pansy answered him
" oh hell no we all know how that ends" Blaise said
" Oh come on guys it's Yn's first night it's gonna be fun!" Pansy said
"I'm in " I said
" great " Pansy said "I will go first, so Draco truth or dare?" She asked him
"Um " before he could answer some girls walked in " hi guys can we play with you?" Asked one of the girls "um sure" said Pansy " So Draco truth or dare?" She asked him again " Dear I'm not a pussy" he answered her "ok do 7 minutes in haven with Isabel " she smiled Draco got up from his seat and one of the girls that asked to play with us . After seven minutes Draco and Isabel walked out with messy hairs " don't just don't " Draco said "ok so Potter truth or dare " he asked me

Before I could answer someone walked in and said "YN POTTER!" I turned around and said "yeah?" "We have important letter for you" the guy said to me and gave me the letter "after you read it and feel ready professor Dumbledor is going to wait for you!" He said kind of scared and sad I don't know. When I turned the letters to see from who it was I couldn't believe it! I opened the letter and read it

Miss Yn Potter, we are here to inform you that you must finish your work! We have a bad news though your friend Amelia had an accident and she didn't made it. We are truly sorry for your lost but we have more news. We found out who told on you it was your friend Ivan who told your precious brother, and he told the professors! But that's not the badest news so far! He is back and he is after you! We were informed that your boyfriend Victor Krum was attacked by him but for our happiness he is alive injured but alive! Please write us when you get the letter!

Will reading the letter a tears fall to my cheeks I never cry this was the first time in years! I just couldn't stop reading it again and again to hope that it was all a dream. I got myself together! I said to myself that I can't cry I can't let people think that I have weakness! I saw everyone looking at me they were worried but I couldn't let myself cry! I walked out and went to Dumbledor office. I knocked at the door and after a minute someone opened the door.

"Came in miss Potter" I heard a professor voice and I did so. I sat down at the chair I looked at everyone in the room and I saw him the brother that betrayed me! He wasn't my brother anymore! I tried kipping my cool. Then Dumbledor gave me another letter and I started riding it.

Lorenzo PoV
Nobody said anything we just watched her as she rides the letter. We were all looking as tears fall down her cheeks but she ripped them away. Then she just left! Again nobody said anything but then Pansy said "we should follow her!" Then Isabel spoked "she is going to Dumbledor office" then we all stand up and walked to his office we state outside at first we didn't heard anything but then he heard yelling "You fucking knew you fucking knew for the past month and didn't said anything!" We all looked at each other we knew it was Yn voice. Then we heard yelling again "we didn't told you so you could be safe! We thought about you!" "The was thinking about me don't be stupid Albus you didn't told me because you knew I was going to go back! You were so selfish to get me here so you could have the both of us!" "Yn calm down!" "What the fuck do you mean calm down! He is fucking back and you are telling me to calm the fuck down he attacked my boyfriend!" After that we heard someone going out it was Yn and after her was her brother. He grabbed her for her hand

3 person PoV
"Yn I'm s" before he could finish his sentence she slammed him against the wall" you you told on me! You fucking asshole! Because of you he is in the hospital!" She yelled at him "Yn I'm your brother I was thinking about you!" He said back to her " You are not my brother! I don't want to have anything with you! You weren't thinking about me you were thinking about yourself! You were thinking about how good would bee my sister to suffer and to live everyone who she loves! If you could keep your mouth shut she wasn't going to be dead and he wasn't going to be in the hospital!" Yn yelled at him "and what Yn what were going to do if you were there!" He snapped back at her "It was going to be me not them! I was going to be dead not them! Im the one he is after and you know it! No actually you don't you were never there!!!" She said back at him "you know I wanted to be there!" "No you didn't!" "And what you want to be dead! Okay go on die I don't care!" " hahaha I knew it! I fucking knew it! You know athletes I was going to die trying to fight back! Because I can fight him! When I die trying athletes I would knew that I did something!" "Ok go on die like Kai!" After he said that he immediately was sad and wanted to take it back but he couldn't!

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