Chapter 6: Tess

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I wasn't sure which I hated more, the smell of blood or the smell of burning flesh. Both had their own kind of horror. With the blood at least my body had the visceral and appropriate reaction of repulsion. There were moments, when I was too caught up in my task to remember what I was smelling, that the smell of roasting bodies could make my stomach rumble with hunger. Yes I decided, that was worse.
I'd left Sun Spear only hours after my fight with Obarra. I had been slowly making my way through the Storm Lands, trying to come up with any viable plan that didn't include retuning to the Reach when I'd heard about the decimation of Kings Landing. That invisible chord I'd never been able to quite define pulled taught, and I made a bee line for the city, to find nothing but fire and blood. An apt tribute to the queen who destroyed it, I thought darkly.

"My Lady, Could you please spare a cup of water?" Said a tiny voice to my right.

     I looked down to see a girl who couldn't have been more than eight looking up at me with large brown eyes. Her face was smudged with soot and there was an angry burn above her left eye. She clutched a small filthy cup to her chest and was fixing me with a look so pitiful and desperate it broke my heart.

"Of course I can lovely." I said, tucking a strand of lank blond hair behind her ear, "but first I think we need to get you a much better cup."

     I pulled the ladle I'd been using from the bucket full of water and offered it to her but she shook her head.

"It's not for me my Lady, it's for my brother. He's much worse off than I am."

"Well I assure you sweet girl, I have plenty for you both." I said, pushing the ladle into her hands, "you drink your fill and then we'll bring some to him."

     She still looked hesitant, but in the end her thirst won out and she took the ladle drinking deeply.

"What's your name darling?" I asked.

"Lena." She answered.

"That's a lovely name." I said gently, "is it just you and your brother here Lena?" She nodded.

"My mother died bringing me into the world and my Papa was burned up by the dragon fire. It should have been me but he push me and Harlan out of the way. Told us to run. When I looked back, there was just fire."

     My throat constricted painful and I fought to keep the tears from my eyes. If this amazing little girl wouldn't cry then I'd be damned if I did. I reached down and took her hand in mine.

"Let's bring Harlan some water alright?" I said, picking up the bucket with my free hand and allowing her to lead me through the crowd of injured people.

     We walked towards a shadowy spot where an overhang sheltered a small boy lying on a pile of straw. There was a woman there holding his hand. As we drew closer she looked up at me and the expression on her face told me everything I needed to know. My heart sank.

"Elle! I found someone with water!" Lena said brightly.

"That's wonderful Lena," said the woman, standing stiffly.

"Has he woken up yet?" Lena asked her.

"No sweet girl, not yet." The woman called Elle answered. Lena crouched beside her brother and picked up the hand that Elle had placed on his chest.

"That's all right." Lena said confidently, "He got a nasty bump on the head when the bell tower fell. He can sleep as long as he needs. We'll keep the water waiting for him, won't we Elle?"

"Of course we will." Ella said, but her voice shook slightly.

     I looked down at the sleeping child. There was a small amount of blood trickling from his temple, but there was no mistaking the dent in the back right corner of his skull and the ugly black bruising surrounding it. I placed my hand gently on the arm of the woman beside me and pulled out of earshot of Lena.

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