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Arik couldn't help the sadistic glee he felt at the fear running through the packs widely beating hearts - its was like he was running off the fear that ran rampant through there minds and it made klaus grin as he snapped another wolfs neck freely

Intent of having hybrids

" how are you so sure we're related when there's over 2000 years of history between us ", Stefan frowns curiously at arik as the man looked over all the bodies - none of them yet to wake yet

" Salvatore is a itallian ancestry from late Italy ..", arik starts , turning his gaze to look at the doubleganger - only he didn't know he was a doubleganager , and arik wanted to keep it that way until his brother was back in his grasp

" it goes like this- starting with me , my family - movani- were dated back to ancient times , very old , very higher class family . We came from Italy and settled down on a island far off and unamed - we built a village there . After movani came Syria, then suvania, them Romani, then you , the Salvatores . Not only do you bear the name , but you have a striking resemblance to my younger brother - same eyes , same face shape , it's quite annoying - really . Then don't get me started on your brother - because seriously . He's like a cheap and lacking version of myself , I almost pity him that he's stuck him my shadow ", arik chuckles , and Stefan hums , looking down at the floor as he took in the information

" it's distant then , our blood relation even if you are my ancestor ?", Stefan asks , and klaus chuckles

" I wish , but your family - in told , was quite true to keeping the blood potent , keeping the line wealthy ", klaus smiles in amusement as he walks over the bodies and over to arik

" used to .... I read about it in our history books , my uncle was supposed to marry our cousin if she hadn't died of plague when I was young . It doesn't surprise me", Stefan sighs in thought , looking back up when ray gasps out as he sits up jolting


" you said it was gonna feel better ", ray shakes from where he was sat , blood dripping from his eyes , the three men were stood shoulder to shoulder as they all looked at him with different faces . Stefan curious - but almost knowing , klaus frustrated , and ariks gaze was narrowed - almost pissed off

" why doesn't it feel better ?", ray cries , turning his head to look to klaus , who slowly crosses his arms over his chest and arik steps foward , a soft look on his face as he crouched down in front of ray

" shh , shh , you'll be okay ", he cooed , placing a hand on the man's chin " your in pain , it's okay . Let me just see what's wrong , let me in , it won't hurt if you let me ", arik hums softly and ray relaxes , nodding his head shakily - just wanting to feel better and for the pain to go away

It's a field , he's no longer ray when he closes his eyes , it's bright , sun blaring down on him and he has four paws , hiend legs and he turns in his body before he takes off running through the long grass

" why does he need to ask? I've never heard him ask to go into someone's mind before ", Stefan furrows his brows as he looks to klaus , ariks eyes were closed , fingers covering rays temples as he went into his mind with ease

" he's in pain , we don't know what's causing the pain . Weather it's mental or physical . When he goes into someone's mind - there's intrusion . You don't normally feel it unless your looking for it . I'd your like him - it's different , he told me his brother could often block him from entering his mind , he could make it backfire . Without knowing what's wrong with ray , arik could unintentionally kill him before we know what's wrong first", klaus explains , giving a small shrug , his eyes never swaying from arik

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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