Chapter Five

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Hatake Kakashi was just as I had pictured him to be as he finally arrived in the classroom. 

I would have believed he had been ditching us if it wasn't for the fact Naruto had kept glancing between a tile on the ceiling and then to the classroom door. 

Seemed he had wanted to spy on us a bit. 

Which I didn't know if I should be annoyed by, he did make us wait three hours to just watch us, or amused by it. In the end it didn't matter either way since he was here now.

Which meant it was time to get serious.

He had likely done it to get an idea of who we were as well.

"Ma," sighed out Hatake as he looked between the three of us before closing his book of porn as Naruto pouted at his prank failing and Kiba was busy rolling on the floor with how hard he was laughing. "You're all annoying. Meet me on the roof."

He didn't wait for a response, only shunshined from the room to the roof. 

It was a bit annoying for him to think so little of us considering we didn't even have a fangirl on our team on top of already having great teamwork.

What an ass.

"You sure I can't prank him?" grumbled Naruto as we headed for the window to use our chakra to walk up the side of the building to the roof.

All that extra training had placed us at a higher level than the original set for the anime which also worked in our favor considering what was coming. 

But it also left me with a slight fear that the enemies would also grow stronger because of it, here soon I planned to come clean with my husbands and get their take on things.

"So, you already know tree walking," mused Hatake as we arrived and ambled to sit on the stairs near the door to enter the roof, so we faced him. "That's surprising considering you usually learn it from your chosen jōnin sensei."

Somehow, I had ended up in the middle with Naruto on my right and Kiba with Akamaru on my left. The fact Akamaru had stayed perfectly safe in Kiba's hoodie surprised me but then again didn't considering Akamaru could also use chakra and learn chakra control exercises.

He was more than just a normal dog after all.

"Tell me a bit about yourselves."

"Uzumaki Naruto," began Naruto with a halfhearted shrug as he sent Hatake a droll look that spoke of how he felt about the other. "I like ramen, Sasuke, my friends, and learning more about chakra along with perfecting the jutsu I have. I dislike broccoli, fangirls of Sasuke's, and closed-minded people. My goal is to become Hokage."

"Inuzuka Kiba and this here is my partner Akamaru," continued Kiba as Akamaru barked cheerfully from where he now rested in Kiba's lap. "I like Sasuke, my clan, my friends, and training with Akamaru. I dislike whiny people and cats. My dream is to become a Hunter-Nin after making jōnin."

"Uchiha Sasuke," I finished as Hatake honestly looked surprised that we were answering, and not with something childish as Haruno had in the anime. "I like Naruto, Kiba, and Shikamaru, my friends, and tomatoes. I hate fangirls and fanboys, hypocrites, and liars. My dream is to rebuild the Uchiha clan and make it great along with making it into ANBU."

"Your turn," stated Naruto as he threw his arm around my shoulders while Kiba gave a fanged grin and clasped my hand into his. "We don't know anything about you aside from you always showing up late."

Bet the girls loved that.

"Hatake Kakashi," answered Hatake with an eye smile. "I like many things that I couldn't just name a few and I dislike just as much. My dream is too mature for you."

"You are aware that we're going to be married after today, right?" questioned Kiba as Akamaru gave a small questioning bark before moving to settle in my lap.

It was pointless for him to say his dream is too mature for us considering we would be married and were aware of what exactly that meant. We also matured faster in this world, likely having to do with the chakra in our bodies, but it also meant puberty hit hard and early.

Thirteen is way too young in my original world but here it was different which always made a part of me feel disgusting and just see it as wrong. 

Another part of me, the one who had spent years here, didn't see the problem.

Though luckily I had already put my foot down on not having children until after making ANBU.

Meaning I would be in my early twenties first.

"That was a waste of time," I grumbled after Hatake finished giving his big speech about the test tomorrow and not eating before taking off. "Now I think it's time to find Shikamaru and then head to the Hokage's office."

"I need to stop by my house first to pack up my things," refuted Kiba only to fall silent as Naruto summoned a shadow clone with a raised eyebrow. "Or you could just do that. Maybe even have it unpack my things in either your chosen room or Sasuke's."

They both knew Itachi's room was to remain empty.

"Right," agreed the shadow clone before taking off leaving us to get up and head out of the academy and toward the Nara Compound.

"Thought you had changed your mind," stated Shika the moment we arrived outside his house hand rubbing the back of his neck as he gazed up at the sky briefly before focusing onto me. "It would have been a drag if you had considering I had already spoken to my dad."

"Hatake-sensei didn't show up until about twenty minutes ago," answered Kiba with a scoff even as he raised his hand to pat Akamaru who was back in the hood of his hoodie. "We just now finished up for the day."

"Then we best not keep the Hokage and council waiting much longer," mused Shikamaru after he ambled forward to walk with us after waving backward toward his mother who was watching us leave with teary eyes. "You have no idea the trouble I had to deal with..."

His mother didn't want to lose her son so early, which was understandable to me.

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