It's been a year daddy...

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Hey bestiessssss! It's been a year since I've updated this... oopsie! I'm not gonna lie this has been kind of a crazy year lmao. As you know my Oma passed and I took a break. I got into another fandom and fell away from this. Didn't do any writing there though so. I also cut off 3 toxic people at school. I graduated high school and went to boot camp! I won't tell you what branch for but I am kinda slaying right now. 

But yeah! I don't think I'm back quite yet but I wanted to give you something that I threw together at some point. Not sure if it is an official goodbye yet. Also, if you are interested, I am working on publishing and rewriting some of my original work on my alternate account.

Anyway, I have no clue what's in store for y'all so good luck!


David had a high pain tolerance. When working with a particularly rowdy set of children and a special kind of boss, he kinda got used to it. David gained a thick skull from multiple knocks on the head, and thick skin from being burnt, split, slashed, and scraped open numerous times for numerous reasons. Such is his way of life.

Every morning his body would scream for him to lie down and take a chill pill. Give the aching bruises time to heal, his lungs a chance to breathe, his mind a chance to rest. Of course, he couldn't allow that, there was too much to get done, too many people that needed help, and so, David ignored the desperate screams for him to sit down, take a drink of water, and remember to provide some of the proper nutrients they needed to work. Instead, they just got bean juice that forced the will to get up when he sat down for even a moment.

David personally thought he was fine with this, possibly dangerous, low-maintenance camp life. Occasionally being reminded to eat something or drink when Gwen tosses him a water bottle or sleep for a little while every night cause he learned that that was the best way Quartermaster's shadow people at bay. That was until he showed up.

His old childhood friend had seen the article Gwen had sent out weeks ago and came knocking at the councilor's cabin door. David wasn't expecting visitors so it was quite a pleasant surprise to see Jasper in scrubs holding up a newspaper.

"Good morning I was wondering if." Jasper looked up from the newspaper. "Wait. Davey?"


"In the flesh. Never thought I'd meet you here after so long. I thought you hated this place."

David paused. He does hate this place but he was camp trapped, and he is staying for the sake of the campers.

"You know me. Can't make up my mind for too long." He smiled and leaned against the frame. "What are you doing here Casper?"

David added a small joke. Jasper gave him an unimpressed look before answering.

"Still not funny. Anyways. I am moving back here and when I saw the ad in the paper I figured I could be the camp nurse here until I can find something more permanent. Of course that can only happen if it's still open?"

"Oh yeah no that sounds great! You're hired!" David smiled. "I'll tell Campbell later so he can get that all setup, now how about you come in and we can catch up!" David smiled and gestured for Jasper to come in. While Jasper sat down and talked David pulled one of the spare bunks from the rafters and began setting it up.

"Damn, you've gotten strong man." Jasper complemented while David worked.

"Aw! Thanks Jack!" David replied with the teasing at the end.

"Never thought the day would come that you would be taller than me." Jasper teased back. David shot him a look while he placed one of the legs onto the bed frame. "Not gonna lie you kinda look like shit too but what can you do when you work for Campbell."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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