chpt 8

39 1 4

Still greggorias pov

I checked my phone. 3:46 am. Fun. ive only been driving for 10 hours, 3 more left to go. I turned on my music and spaced out as i drove through backroads for the rest of the ride. Freegley lived in fucking nowhere, "lucky" for me.

(time skip to 10 am)

I woke up groggy in the car of my backseat. I got to fregleys town a little after 7, but i was too embarrassed to leave my car that early, so i let myself get a few hours of sleep. I fixed my hair in the car mirror and threw my blanket off me and got back in the drivers seat as i rode around trying to find a diner. It didnt take long, thankfully, before i was in a small booth munching down a stack of pancakes. I took a small sip of my water as i looked over and...there he was. I could tell his ugly fucking face from a mile away. Fregley. On the bright side i could figure out where he lived easily now, just follow him home gregg, simple. 30 minutes passed, fregliy was still taking his time. Fregley always took his fucking time. I groaned and rolled my eyes, another 15 minutes of freglee just sitting around wasting time. He wasnt even w anyone?? Y does he need to take forever?? I wonder if hes noticed me at this point..oh well.

After what felt like more than enough time fregley finally got up to leave and i ran off to my car before he could see my face. I drove behind him, not too close but i couldnt be too far to make sure i didnt lose him. Freglie apparently lived in a trailer park ofc. After waiting abt an hour i went up to his door and knocked with no response, i tried a few more times before i started banging and yelling.

 "FREGLEY!! IK UR IN THERE OPEN UP!!" i banged on the door as hard as i could, i could hear fregley shuffling around before opening the door.

"GREG HEFFLEYY!! HOW NICE TO SEE U!!" fregley had a smile on his face...for sum reason. He kicked sum random piece of clothing off the floor and away from the door. 

He stepped outside and gestured to a table and sitting area on his porch and we both sat down. I looked at him suspiciously but he kept talking like nothing was wrong. 

"So whats up dude!?!? I talked to u in forever" fegly still had the weird smile on. 

"I know what u did to rowley. Im not happy." i raised my eyebrow and looked fregy up and down as he chuckled nervously. 

"I did sumthn to rowley? Greg what r u talking abt? Id never hurt a friend." freggley ran a hand through his ugly curly ginger hair.

"U know what u did. U blackmailed him and hurt him horrendously. And u made him cheat on me" i rolled my eyes at him and scoffed. 

"Greg seriously whats w all these accusations? I never did anything. Yes sure i knew u and rowley were dating, but he came on to me, he said sumthn abt how his parents never approved of u and he wanted to bring sumone home his parents could actually like. I never 'hurt' him." fregley made air quotes. "Y do u even care anyways? U and rowley have been noncontact for years atp."

 I scoffed and took a few seconds to think...i mean hes right. Rowlees family never did like me. Ever. it was sorta their whole thing. Maybe rowley did lie. I took a deep breath before speaking again. 

"Well... i just... miss him. And i want him back" i looked down at my feet. 

"Rlly? After he did that to u? U rlly want him back?" fregly chuckled and rolled his eyes. 

"Look. if he thinks ur not good enough, or cares sm abt his parents opinion, hes not worth it. Im sure he still cries abt obeying his parents all the time" 

"Well i-" he cut me off "ofc he is. I can tell by how ur acting." fregy tapped his fingers on the table quietly. 

I looked up at fregee and away. Hes right. Rowley is just too childish. Hes probably right abt rowwley lying abt the whole thing just to excuse cheating on me. What a bitch. "Ur...ur right fregley. I-im sorry for accusing u dude...i just thought i knew rowley better than that." 

Fregley smiled and tilted his head chuckling softly. "Its ok greg. U didnt know. Rlly. im srry rowleyy did that to u. Do u want to come inside?" he pointed to the front door behind him and i nodded. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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