chapter 1

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In the serene town of Seoul, Bora's life followed the tranquil rhythms of daily existence. However, beneath the façade of normality, an extraordinary ability distinguished her from others. Each night, as the moon cast its gentle glow, Bora embarked on a journey within the realm of dreams, where the tapestry of her subconscious wove visions that transcended the boundaries of mere imagination.

These weren't ordinary dreams; they were prophetic, glimpses into a future that unfolded with meticulous precision. The scenes she witnessed during the night often manifested in reality within a week, leaving Bora in a perpetual state of awe and trepidation. The realism embedded in these nocturnal visions blurred the line between the waking world and the mysterious depths of her subconscious.

As Bora grappled with the weight of her prophetic dreams, she navigated the delicate balance between the ordinary and the extraordinary. The people around her perceived her as just another resident of Seoul, unaware of the captivating enigma that unfolded in the sanctum of her mind each night. The once-familiar landscapes of her town now carried an added layer of intrigue, as Bora struggled to reconcile the visions that shaped her nights with the routine of daylight.

Her journey tinged with a surreal sense of destiny, became a compelling exploration of self-discovery and the daunting responsibility accompanying her extraordinary gift. As the divide between the dream world and reality blurred, Bora embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries of her subconscious and find meaning in the cryptic messages that unfolded in the silent hours of the night.

She was sitting in the room thinking about her Messed up life.

Bora: why god why??? Could you tell me what I did to deserve this? I didn't even know anyone then why do I have to see this.....I don't want to save anyone else.....not anymore.

she sat down while covering her legs with her hands. 

Yo!! Everyone sorry for late update......but Imma bit busy you guys know studies but I willl manage to update for sure... 

Ok bye 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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