Chapter 25

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Enid and Wednesday walk towards their boat, surprising their teammates. Luckily they didn't question them as they got on the boat, just as they pushed themselves off the shore they saw Daddy Issue Xavier and one of his teammates Ajax covered in cuts, bite marks and bruises running out of the forest behind them while carrying their flag.

Abaddon: Well look here! The Clowns finally got their flag as well! It seems Bianca had also gotten the flag as well!!

Wednesday and Enid looked to their left and saw a bloody Bianca rowing her boat alone it seemed like all her teammates had been killed. To their right, the Amontillado were not ready to give up. There were no more crocodiles in the river and it was the final part of the Poe Cup a race to the finish line. The participant's eyes landed on Abaddon standing on the stage facing them.

Abaddon: Now that the survivors are finally here! Let us begin the final part of The Greatest Poe Cup in history!! Your objective? 

Abaddon raised his hand high in the sky, and slowly something red began to form in his hand. It separated from his hand and slowly floated high in the air, taking the form of a diamond. Suddenly it screeched hurting everyone's ears and pushing the boats back slightly. Sharp and massive whip-like structures began forming from the floating diamond.

Abaddon: Survive!!

It attacked the last three remaining teams!

Wednesday: To the left!

Everyone in Backcats pushed the boat to the left as a massive tentacle hit where they were previously. It began attacking randomly as the teams tried to survive. 

Enid: We are sitting ducks like this!

Wednesday looked down and spoke.

Wednesday: Thing!

The ever-so-loyal undead hand responded with a tap.

Wednesday: The motor now!

Without making another sound as it pulled the liver, starting the motor that Wednesday hid under the boat.

Abaddon: Look at that folks! The Blackcats have a card up their sleeve the whole time!!

Wednesday looked at Enid.

Wednesday: Enid control the boat with your weight.

Enid: Are you calling me fat!?

Wednesday: I am calling you heavy.

Enid pushed her weight to the right and the boat obliged under her command saving the team from another attack by the red blobe. As Enid controlled the Wednesday saw something as the red diamond focused on the Clown and Bug team.

Wednesday: Enid. I need you to take the boat straight towards the docks.

Blackcat#2: Are you insane!

Blackcat#1: We could die!!

Wednesday ignored the other two and looked at Enid in the eyes.

Enid: I trust you.

Wednesday smirked slightly, it was a shock and horrible to smirk on that face but Enid liked it, that her roommate had some emotion. Without thinking much further Enid took control of the boat and the Blackcats sped forward. The red diamond was busy attacking the other two teams, giving Wednesday the chance she needed.

Wednesday: Thing open the board.

Thing opened the boat floor to show a hidden compartment that had the harpoon, the one that Wednesday had fixed in the boat. Taking the harpoon Wednesday held on to it. Enid manoeuvred the boat into the opening of the creature's attack as Wednesday positioned herself, ready for what she was about to do. A few came close to hitting the boat but Enid managed to keep them safe. Just as they got under the red diamond, Wednesday shouted.

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