Into the Darkness

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Day 01

Disquieting darkness crammed in this unnatural, wooden house; encrusted and grimy was the air. Indeed, it was a shadowy and somnolent night with screech owls calling outside. As it was late monsoon, mysterious clouds were already raging in the sky thunderously. Gigantic oak trees were too rustling, in a greater extent. Crooked windows and doors present, gave this house a dreadful appearance.

Although, it was horrendous to the eyes, his courage was his lifebuoy. Trapped in this unknown land of misery and nightmare, escape was his only road to survival. Reality was that he was imprisoned in this haunted house, where the spirit of granny exists. Granny was an old lady, who possessed a mischievous spirit inside herself, and undoubtedly her presence horrifies people. The boy was Jarvis, who entered this house to acquire his ball. Unfortunately, he was stuck in the hands of evil.

Jarvis was under the bench of the old gritty room as he has to be in stealth to avoid granny. He opens the timber door in a deliberate manner, attempting to avoid the consequences if got caught. Crouching was strenuous, but he has to strive to survive. Shuddered with terror and exhaustion, he reaches the staircase at a snail's pace. He touches its wooden banisters, which were shaped in the form of reindeers' horn, to move rather easily.

The grinning smile of granny is overheard; consequently, this made him to run backwards. Lights switch off and on, expeditiously. He turns himself the other side, and out of the blue, the brutal granny makes its appearance. Crawling on the frivolous ground, it had white eyes with no eyeball; its scorched face was twisted to the other side of its body. The roguish spirit's dark lips were filled with crimson red blood and moreover, its skin was sunken white as the snowstorm on the mountains. Indeed, the evil spirit was a deadly, nightmarish figure that one is always startled about.

Closer and closer, it came near the poor boy. His heart was thumping rather faster than the clock ticking. Claiming his instant attention, it jumped over him, to lick the blood on his neck. Jarvis sank down abruptly to the floor, as apprehension and horror conquered his soul.

Day 2

Sun rises in the far horizon, contributing the populace a newer day. He woke up aghast and horridly, with an expression of affliction. Becoming lifeless and falling into a state of extreme frustration, he cries in dreadful pain. Nevertheless, being preyed to his emotions, he knew that he has to escape from this dwelling of torment and misery, for survival. He promptly opened the other door; it was a staircase in appearance. But, this was leading to the basement located underground. Jarvis squatted down and reached the base fortunately. A rusted boat was present in the base surrounding the sullied, muddy lake.

The underground room possessed an outrageous atmosphere, with cobwebs all around. As he steps into this world of nightmare, he perceives that the boat had no gasoline and no boat key to start its engine. He was indeed profoundly bound to find these, as soon as possible for getaway.

The bloodcurdling chuckle of granny is heard again; somebody touches his shoulder. His unconscious mind turns the other way round. A black figure passed beside him. Reckless in misery, he witnesses the skulls present, which were estranged from its bodies, in the tainted lake. He falls behind, in an instance leaning over the ugly pillar. Gasping heavily, he soon makes his way out from the cellar.

Day 3

One of the wildest of his nightmares was the darkness that bordered him; this form of terror is unquestionably encountered by every child of his age. Enraged repetitions that voiced in his soul became his courage to overwhelm fear. Trembled in exhaustion, he crept gradually to the staircase, where he at the initiation, caught sight of granny. Advantageously, the frightening figure did not catch glimpse of Jarvis. The next step he takes, his eyes detect the key in the frivolous ground.

Touching its metallic nature, he was bottled up in confusions to recognize whether it was the boat key or gate key. At a snail's pace, he leaned into the floor and moved further. In dead beat, he reaches the canoe and checks whether it works.

'Yes! It fits in...' Jarvis exclaimed in joy and contentment.

Gasoline is required; but it involves tremendous risks of getting caught by granny. Becoming the only soul encircled around alarming darkness, he has to make the most efficient moves in limited time. Granny's feet were pounding nearer and nearer. Witnessing this, he instantaneously moved himself inside the closest room. Little Jarvis who was helpless, leaned into the corner of the room.

Dusk began to fall and assuming that granny has gone, he admits to open the door. Huge masses of bats soar into the air, in a greater extent. Adrenaline rushes in his body, contributing himself to hide his face from his hand.

Unhurriedly, he opens the wooden closet. A key made up of brass is visible. Capturing his attention, a silver plated pistol made its appearance. Running soon as possible into the basement, he fits the key into the gate. Almost fulfilling his utmost objective, the steel gates unlock. He swam in the greenish lake, which was consisting masses of vegetation and deadly skulls, and came back again.

Day 4

'Gas, and only gas, is what I need', Jarvis cried.

His neurobiological system is telling him to reach granny's room to get gas, but his legs are too weak to move. Bound to his figment of imagination, he remembers the time when the dirty soul arrived to lick his blood on his neck. Nonetheless, the little boy's courage and confidence, is only the route to escape from this situation of madness. Sneaking into the room of granny without getting noticed, involves tremendous risks of getting slaughtered besides.

He skulked as a spider and entered into the demon's room as a final point. His hands made slow progress to take the gasoline can, but was caught in the hands of malevolence.

'You nasty bastard!' Granny voiced out frighteningly.

Granny jumped onto him and attempted to suck whole of his blood from its ferocious vampire teeth. He tried to push its head, but it was hopeless. Jarvis remembered the handgun, and shot incorrectly on granny's legs. Pool of blood flows immediately.

Knowing that the mischievous spirit in granny's body could take revenge, by flowing inside his body, he hurried in split seconds. Jarvis took the gasoline can and ran downwards. His shivering hands poured the petrol into the boat engine anxiously.

The boat engine started with much commotion and he hears the last screams of granny. The canoe moved rather rapidly, passing the rusted gate of this monstrous dwelling.

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