Prologue and first 3 chapters

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Alrighty stepping a bit out of my normal shit. Also came to the realization that doing 1 chapter at a time is causing burnout so I'm just grouping 3 chapters in the same part. I guess. UA is a college. Anyways no more out of me. Enjoy

Base Plot line

Izuku Yagi had always been somewhat of a Black sheep in his family. While his parents were heroes and his sister wanted to be one. Izuku had no such pull towards the career. He thought of it as a waste of potential. Having to go through school to get permission to use Quirks. What was the point in that. He believed Those born with strength should use it in the way they see fit. Not what society wants.

Unfortunately for Izuku he was born powerless or so he thought. The word Quirkless was a curse to most but Izuku viewed it as a blessing. He didn't care that he was Neglected. Izuku had never liked attention in the first place. The abuse on the other hand. He hated, bullying him because his Sister said he wanted to be a hero. As well as the attempts on his life. On the last day of High School his own Sister and her Friend told him to kill himself. That's when Izuku realized it. Society is cruel, it'll turn your own family against you.

Now into the actual prologue

"How disappointing Izuku is Quirkless" Izuku heard his mother say to his father.

"What do you mean quirkless, You mean to tell me we have a worthless child!" Toshinori Yagi his father yelled at his mother.

"I can't believe it either Toshi. What do we do with him? Do we throw him out?" She began asking questions.

"No we can't do that if we do. The Hero commission could find out then we're screwed." Toshinori panicked

"Let's just Neglect him hopefully he'll just die of hunger or something." Toshinori continued.

In the next room we see Izuku awake at 4 in the morning. His face held an emotionless expression. ("Huh so they hate me now.") Izuku thought while replaying a recording of their conversation from last night. (" I swear muscle brains must run in the gene pool. Good thing I got good Genes. I guess that's all they're really worth. Don't you agree readers?") Izuku continued thinking.

That morning Inko served him breakfast. Izuku clearly didn't eat that shit. ("That shit is poisoned.") Izuku thought as he got up and left the house.

At school Izuku had avoided everyone. But of course if you avoid trouble it comes to you.

"YOU WORTHLESS NERD YOU CANT BE A HERO WITHOUT A QUIRK!" Katsuki Bakugo yelled as he let off an explosion to Izuku's chest. With Katsumi Bakugo doing the same thing.

"YEA THEYRE RIGHT YOU WORTHLESS DEKU!" Shoto Todoroki yelled with them freezing Izuku's arm.

"YOURE A DISGRACE TO OUR FAMILY YOU DEKU!" Izumi yelled as she slammed Izuku into the ground with her Telekinesis.

"Can y'all stop picking on Izuku?" Shoka Todoroki asked crying. While trying to protect Izuku.

After Izuku had been beaten, he was in so much pain. He was forced to limp home. After he got home Inko offered to patch him up while holding a syringe behind her back with a med kit. Izuku ignored her and walked up to his room.

The black sheep of the family that's what Izuku had embodied. Everyone in his Family had Quirks but not him. All his close blood relatives were Muscle head. They fought first asked Questions later. But not Izuku, He was far too intelligent. Everyone in his family had lots of energy and enjoyed attention. Not him Izuku believed that being in the spotlight gave less time for him. Izuku was lazy but incredibly smart.

Now it's time for my favorite thing. A time skip

Throughout the last 12 years a lot had happened. First thing was That the attempts on his life had only increased. Everyday Izuku had to watch out. It had become so bad that Izuku only sleeps once a week and that's the day Inko isn't in the house at all.

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