Designated driver

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"Ok, which one?" The dark haired girl said into her phone while holding up two tops. One, a maroon halter neck top and the other, a sheer black lacy top.

"The red one 100%,"  her best friend replied "you're going to look so gorgeous."

Gracie smiled, almost blushing. She began to change into it without bothering to move the camera off her body, which was propped up against a photo frame on her bedside table. Inside the frame held a picture of a much younger Rue on Gracie's back holding up a trophy.      

Gracie and Rue had been inseparable since they met at soccer four years ago. It took mere months for any boundaries between them to fade until they knew every inch of each other. They spent summer after summer convincing everyone they met they were actually cousins and  composing dance routines for their unbothered parents in return for sleepovers. Until they got older, and sleepovers turned into spontaneous trips to Gracie's family lake house where they spent their mornings refilling Katie and JJ's liquor bottles with water. 

"This top is sooo gonna end up on Hayes' bedroom floor tonight" She giggled. Rue responded with a weak smile. 

As her best friend it was almost her responsibility to feed into Gracie's delusions, however this one was too unconvincing to support. Hayes, the most sought after guy in their area, had made eye contact with Gracie a few times across the room at various parties and she hadn't thought about anything else since. Rue let out a weighted sigh then said,

"Okay, have a good night Grace. I've got to get to training." Rue said. The girls both blew kisses then Gracie hung up. 

Rue's body ached as she swapped her football boots for crocs and got back into her car. When she checked ger phone it was no surprise to her the first text she saw was from Gracie, most likely needing rescuing.  

Grace ❣️


he wnet off withe anothegirl

can you pisck me up??? 

Send your location please 

Grace ❣️ shared her live location with you

 Ok I'll be three mins, wait inside

Just parked outside!

Rue felt a mix of relief and resent as her best friend came out of the house twelve minutes after she arrived.  

"Hi!" Gracie giggled, leaning to hug her designated driver before pulling a face and leaning away. Her eyes spoke volumes on the amount she had drank. 

"Ew , you're so sweaty." She groaned.

"Well, yeah. I came straight from soccer." She paused, "You're not looking so fresh either Grace" Rue said bluntly as she started driving drown the dim street.

"You're not looking so fresh either."  the dark-haired girl mocked.

The rest of the drive was silent despite the gentle snores coming from Gracie in the passenger seat, who had drifted off into an alcohol-induced slumber.

"Come on you big baby." Rue whispered, holding her friend bridal style as she struggled to unlock her front door. 

Rue laid the older girl on the left side of her bed and after removing what was left of the girls make-up and helping her into comfier clothes, she took herself off to the bathroom to shower. A little over ten minutes later, she clambered into the other side of the bed and drifted off to sleep facing away from her best friend. 


The dark haired girl woke up to her best friend stumbling around her own room, IPhone torch in hand. 

"Rue, what are you doing?" She said burying her head into a pillow to avoid any light reaching her throbbing head. 

"Oh sorry, I was trying not to wake you. I was going to run quick before you woke up." she replied, scraping her hair into a messy ponytail as she looked over to the bed. Gracie had sat up with the shirt she had borrowed last night over her eyes. 

"Didn't know you were such a boygenius fan?" Rue teased. 

She could almost feel Gracie's soft brown eyes roll from under the band tee before she said light-heartedly,

"Ew, I do not like your silly gay music."  

As a pillow hit her in the head, Gracie miraculously felt better enough to jump up and tackle the girl who had thrown it. The pair ended up tangled up together on the floor, a giggling mess. 

Gracie rolled out from underneath the pile first. Rue frowned at the lack of touch, it was definitely their love language, but the younger girls hand found hers again and quickly she was being dragged down the stairs into the kitchen. 

Gracie sat on the counter whilst Rue opened the fridge,

"French toast or pancakes?" She asked while reaching for a punnet of fresh strawberries. 

"Hmm, I want cereal" Gracie replied, knowing the other girl would disagree. 

They smiled at each other sleepily. Then decided on compromising, a matcha latte and almond croissant at their local coffee shop - a familiar haunt for both girls. 

Despite the girls being polar opposites, neither of the pair had never met someone they wanted to spend time with more.

a/n please let me know at any point if im not making sense xoxo 

also thoughts please cause i have no idea where im going with this 

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