Chapter Five: Fitz

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It was about three weeks into the first term; the days were getting shorter, and the temperature cooler. Fitz went through the same routine every day. He got up early every morning, dressed in the clothes he'd already lain out the night before, grabbed breakfast on the way out of the house with his pre-packed bag, and headed to Foxfire. He went first thing to morning session, since he never had time before that to drop off the stuff in his locker that he didn't need. When that session was over, he left his things in his locker and headed to lunch. Every day he sat down at the table, and every day Sunny joined him, followed shortly by Keefe.

It was fine, but it wasn't. He talked with the two of them, and they talked to him, but there was something about lunch that Fitz felt was strange. He was there, but he wasn't. He was viewing from afar, not far enough that he couldn't see, but not close enough that he could participate either.

After lunch, Fitz got what he needed and headed to his afternoon session. Telepathy was fine, too, but he could tell that Sophie could tell that he felt something was missing, and he knew, even without her being an Empath, that she could sense he wasn't all there.

Everyone else noticed, too.

After school was over, Fitz went home, usually ate his dinner while he did his homework, and fell asleep around 12:00.

Something had to change.

Towards the end of September, during lunch, a voice came over the loudspeaker that Fitz and his friends rarely heard.

"Attention, all Level Seven students," came the voice of their Gold Tower beacon. She didn't usually make that many announcements, so it must be important.

"There have been several meetings, and your principal, the other mentors and I have come to the conclusion that, starting next week, all Level Seven students will be participating in more social activities. This means that on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you will be having P.E., along with other classes. You will each be receiving a letter over the weekend with further details. Thank you for your time."

Fitz looked up to Sunny and Keefe.

"Thank GOSH!" Keefe said. "That is amazing. I MISS. P.E. SO MUCH. Especially getting Fitz out in our Splotching Matches," he added, smirking at his friend.

Fitz rolled his eyes.

Sunny chuckled.

"Did you like P.E. when you were in the Main Levels?" Keefe asked her.

"I, um..."

Keefe waited.

"... Sure."

"Sure? Hmm. You guys really are no fun. Well, I guess that means I'll just have to beat you in all the superfun games next week... but, it is no fun if your opponents aren't trying."

"Are you appreciating my Splotching Match skills?" Fitz asked, mockingly aghast.

Keefe did not have any words for that. Fitz was satisfied.

For the rest of lunch, Keefe, nor Fitz, nor Sunny said much of anything. Fitz was glad to have the silence, but he couldn't help but notice that Sunny seemed unnaturally silent, and after the first few seconds of it, she pulled out her fishtail braid and kept running her hands over her gray-brown hair, like she was either looking for something or preventing something from popping out of her head. But Fitz decided that the latter was highly unlikely.

When the school day was over, Fitz made the commute from the Gold Tower to Foxfire's glass pyramid. Prodigies in the Elite Levels weren't allowed to be in the U-building or the Cafeteria during the day, nor were they really supposed to be on the main part of campus at all, unless they were going to see the principal or they were sent by a Mentor. But the rule didn't apply when school got out, because some prodigies in the Elite Levels, like Fitz and Keefe, slept at home.

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