108. Angličani

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Paní - ,,Let's go on selfservice!"

Pán - ,,But we have a lot of heavy things...will this work?"

Paní - ,,We'll see..."

Přijdou na pokladnu a začnou markovat. Nemůžou najít zázvor.

Paní - ,,Let's ask that employee over there."

Pán - ,,But how?! No one in this country had understood me a single word today! The postman, the officer and even the lady in the train. No one can speak english here!"

Já - *objeví se za nimi*

Já - ,,Well, I do. Do you need help?"

Pán - ,,Oh my god! First person today!"

Paní - ,,Yes please. We can't find the ginger."

Já - ,,It's in vegetables category...here."

Paní a pán nastejno - ,,Thank you very much!"

Pán - ,,Today I seriously considered getting some fast couse of czech language or something."

Já - ,,Czech language is very difficult to learn."

Pán - ,,Yes i heard, but there's no other choice."

Já - ,,Or you can hire translator."

Pán - ,,Oh my god! That's a briliant idea!"

Paní - ,,Yes! Why haven't we thought of this?"

Pán - ,,Cause we are dumb."

Hlášky dětíKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat