Chapter Twenty Four: Admit I

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U-Yung Electronics Building, Present Time

"Sorry you had to find out this way, mama..."








Bethwell Household, Living Room, Morning

  Nelivia woke up, her eyes opening up to the dim light of the sun entering the living room. Eliward was still asleep on her, Nelivia found her wife's body to be somewhat heavy on her as she slept. >Ah... right, I have work today.< Nelivia thought to herself, remembering she had to go down by the agency later on. "Oh well.." She whispered to herself, stroking the back of Eliward's head as she said this.


  Nelivia put a blanket on Eliward, she had somehow gotten out from under her sleeping wife's body. "Sleep well, Eli." Nelivia whispered as she kissed the top of Eliward's head. Nelivia was dressed for the day, and so, she headed out of the house, leaving to the agency.








Five Years Ago, Tōkai Street

  Eliward was walking down the dark streets of Tōkai. She was coming back from the casino, she had a horrible gambling addiction and would end up coming home late much more than she used to. >Neli is going to really beat me...< Eliward thought to herself, thinking of the possibility that Nelivia would be mad at her, again, for coming home late. "Hah... Well, I might as well face the consequences..." Eliward said to herself as she put her hands into her coat pockets.

  She kicked around some cans that were present on the sidewalk, >Ugh, leaving trash out here for someone else to pick up...< Eliward thought to herself as she picked up the can, throwing it into a recycling bin. "Life is such a bore... The casino is the only fun place around!" Eliward's voice was loud enough for people within a fifteen feet radius to hear her.

  She then heard some clattering coming from an alleyway that was up ahead. Intrigued by the sounds, Eliward neared closer to the dark alleyway. Curious as to what was in the alleyway, which would have been a horrible idea if she had been in the setting of a horror movie. She then peaked into the alleyway, seeing nothing but shadows.

  Then, something, or in this case, someone, caught her eye. Seemingly to have been emerging from the shadows itself. He put a hand out, beckoning Eliward to come closer, and for some reason, she obliged. The person had short brown hair, with brown eyes that matched, although looking devoid of emotion, she could tell there was some sort of excitement in his eyes. "Life is a bore, eh? Then how about you come and work for me." The person said, his offer was vague, and, well, whatever he was offering, Eliward was quite skeptical of. "What job are you offering?" Eliward asked, the tone in her voice was seemingly demanding, wanting to know what he was offering. "A place of excitement and danger... Come and work as an assassin for me." He said, a smile that could reach ear to ear formed onto his face. "An assassin, huh?" Eliward looked down, would it be worth it? Those words were in her head, before giving her answer. "Sure, why not." Eliward returned the smile with her smile, willing to work as an assassin.





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