Car Ride

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Hi I'm the author, I guess... I've never done this before so give me mercy if it's bad. :) Hopefully it's not. I have edited it a lot so it DOES MAKE SENSE. Just tell me if it doesn't I will gladly clarify for you. :) ONLY MY FIVE FRIENDS ARE READING THIS, Probably. Who knows? Anyways let's get to the story!

Marinette, Adrien, Alya and Nino are in a car driving Adrien to the airport.He is going to London to meet his Aunt. Marinette Is driving, Adrien is in the passenger's seat, Alya and nino are in the back seats.

"What are you doing in London?" Marinette asked.

"My Aunt is building a house there. She told me she's planning to live there full time. I'm just going to help decorate a little." Adrien answers.

They sit in silence for a second.

"You know, eventually... I'm going to have a house all to myself". Adrien grins as he has dirty thoughts about Marinette and him. 

She grins because she has the same dirty thought he did. "Shut up." she nudges him on the shoulder. 

"think of all the ALONE TIME we could have!" He exclaims. 

Adrien grinned. While Marinette tried her best to keep her eyes on the road staying focused, but on the inside she was excited spending time with him doing naughy things.  

"Did you have a drink before you left the house?" Marinette grins.

"Maybe a little one."He squinted his eyes and moved his thumb and index finger closer together. 

Then he slapped his hand on marinette's thigh, and started moving up, into that special spot. 

"ADRIEN, I'M DRIVING!" Marinette shouts


DUDE! Nino grins.

"ADRIEN STOP!" Marinette tries to say it firmly, but it comes out in a moan.

Finally Alya takes Adrien's forearm and pulls it away from Marinette.

"Aww."Adrien pouts.

Marinette is now sweating.

"Girl? Are you okay?" Alya asked.

"YES! I'M OKAY—" she laughs nervously. "Thank you." She has short breaths. "Sorry he gets kinda horny when he's drunk." She laughs nervously again.

"WHAT?!" he leans closer to her ear. "So do you." Adrien whispers seductively then kisses her on the cheek. 

He quickly jumps back in his seat and puts his eyes on the road. Leaving Marinette blushing, and confused about his actions. 10 more Minutes pass by without Adrien making a "move," they arrive at the airport. Adrien takes his bags and says goodbye to everyone followed by a hug.

"Have a safe trip!" Alya says. 

 "I hope you have fun and don't finger anyone on the plane." Nino laughs out loud.

"I'll miss you, my kitty." Marinette kisses him on the cheek.

"Bye bugaboo."

By then the alcohol effects started to wear off, and he was back to his normal sweet, loving self. He stops to think, but doesn't let her go.

"Tell Mom I said bye and that I love her too, don't worry bug everything will be alright." With that he gave her a kiss on the forehead, squeezed her a little harder, before letting go just enough to see her face. "Sorry about the car ride, I know you weren't in the mood." He frowned at his own actions.  

"It's okay, your just a little more silly when your drunk." she giggled and let him go. "Just Go! Leave me" she said dramatically and put her hand to her forehead to set the "scene."

Adrien just chucked at her actions.

"Bye marinette! Love you guys!" He walked through the airport doors leaving his childhood bestfriends, and his child-ish wife. 

Marinette, Alya and Nino hopped back into the car. To head home.

"Actually? Do you guys mind if I visit my mom first?" Marinette Asked.

"No! Of course not Marinette! Go ahead." Alya assures.

Marinette doesn't say a word, she pushes on the gas petal to the hospital happy to see her mom again. 

Marinette arrives at the hospital her mom is staying at in 10 minutes. 

She exits the car and starts to walk towards the hospital.

She finds the attendent at the front desk, and tells her were she's going.

She goes to room 92 were her mother is staying. 

She opens the door...

She opens the door to her bedridden mother sick, with radiation. The room is best described as a broadway musical. One spotlight shining on her sick mother while the backround is black with demons threatening to kill her. Marinette walks over to her mother slowy, closing the door.

Mama? Marinette speaks. 

No reponse.

Marinette is standing right next to her Mother.

Marinette takes her Mother's hand.

Marinette feels a squeeze.

Marinette gasp with excitement. 

"Mama? Its me Marinette! I dropped off Adrien at the Airport. He said bye and he loves you. I love you too." Marinette kissed her mother on the forehead. "I have to go, I left Nino and Alya in the car."

Her mother smiles faintly.

With that Marinette leaves her Mother to rest... With the demons.

OMG HIIIIIII! I'm rewriting the the whole freaking story! *grins*


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