Chapter 10 : Upper Moons

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Doma POV

What the-


Human flesh right in front of me?

That smell.

It's overpowering.

Marechi is garbage compared to this human.

I hadn't gotten a good look at the human, and I knew it was foolish to try and look.

Master Muzan would know if I did.

I heard footsteps coming towards me.

Soft gentle ones, not like the footsteps of men. They passed me and stopped at Kokoshibo who was next to me.

"You...your scent is familiar." The voice said.

Kokoshibo tensed but said nothing.

"Look at me and tell me if you recognize mine." She said firmly.

I glanced at Kokoshibo and saw him tilting his head up towards her.

Master Muzan hasn't noticed me.

Something doesn't feel right.

I heard her gasp at the sight of Kokoshibo's face. A resounding slap noise echoed, and I assumed she had slapped Kokoshibo.

But when I heard muttering from the others I decided to look up.

She slapped Master Muzan.

She is so dead.

I wonder if Master Muzan share.

I hope so; she smells delicious.

I waited for Master Muzan to kill her, but nothing happened.

He merely stood there, staring down at her.

"How many upper moons killed my village!?" she yelled at him; tears welled in her eyes.

"Well, answer me!" She banged against his chest as if he was a mere wall; tears were streaming down her face at this point.

Master Muzan continued to stare down at her, and he grasped her hand.

Muzan POV

How the hell should I know? Demons just devour humans and do as they are told. They don't tell me who they eat or where they found the humans.

Her eyes were full of hatred and a small hint of sorrow.

"I thought I could trust you." she muttered, yanking her hand away from mine.

I watched as she limped away and asked Nakime to take her to her room.

Before she was sent off, she turned and muttered: "You all are monsters." And she was gone.

Kyoka POV

I'm getting out of this place.

I need to leave and find Tanjiro.

I glanced down at the table and noticed a note attached to a needle. The needle had a nasty colored fluid inside and its smell made me want to throw up.

I grabbed the blanket from the bed and covered my mouth and nose to make the smell a little more tolerable. I snatched the note away from the needle and began to read it:


I know that you hate me knowing what I did but I want to help you. The stuff that is in the needle is supposed to be regeneration fluid that will heal your wounds. I overheard Master Muzan talking about it to himself as he made it. I've already tested it to be sure that it is safe for you to use. Please trust me.


Tears welled in my eyes.

Akaza had wanted to help me escape.

He didn't want me to stumble on some road that I took to find my way to Tanjiro.

Muzan would kill him for sure.

I found a vein in my arm and injected the needle.

Maybe it doesn't work right away?

I waited a few minutes and finally felt a tingling sensation all over my body. I tore off my kimono and ripped off the bandages.

No scratches!

I unraveled the bandages wrapped around my legs and saw no gaping hole where Muzan had stabbed me.


I grabbed my Demon Slayer uniform and began putting it on.

Crap. That black-haired bastard with the biwa took my kunai knives from me.

I'll just have to teach her who's boss.

My confidence had grown, and I felt like I could take on the whole world.


I whispered 'Nakime' under my breath and heard the biwa. The room shifted around, and I found myself face to face with the woman who took my kunai knives.

"Give them back and let me leave this horrible place," I said. She merely shook her head no and became still as a statue as she had been before.

"Give me my kunai knives now." I kicked her. I could tell she was hiding them under her kimono because of the way she shifted.

"No" She muttered as she began standing up and raised her biwa.

What the hell does she think she's doing!?

The kunai knives clattered to the ground, and I took my chance.

I dove for them while dodging her biwa that clattered to the ground but didn't break.

"I wish Master Muzan would let me use my blood demon art on you" she muttered.

No wonder she's trying to whack me with that thing.

I twisted in midair, barely avoiding another 'attack'.

"You damn bastard!" She yelled as she struck her biwa and one of the walls sent me flying.

"So, this is your damn blood demon art," I smirked; I could feel the blood flowing down the gash in my forehead, but I couldn't show her the pain I was in.

"Nakime, I thought I told you not to use it on her." The voice sent a shiver down my spine.

We were too loud.

Muzan heard us.

I winced as his hands wrapped around my waist.

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