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Uh- you- you guys have no idea about the new au, so uhm-
Recap time
Basically we started a new rp (no we didn't finish the old rp). We call this au Project Refuge, or the PR au

Basically, there's this club run by Afton that will take in run away robots. Sun was the first one who came, he used to be a sex bot but ran away. The Glitch, who used to be a body gaurd/hit man. Virus, who used to be a nanny, and worked fine he same house as Glitch. And then Deitrack and Andromeda, though it isn't clear what they used to be or who came first, they were just both there by the start of the rp. Same with Julia, mostly because I havnt decided what she did yet.

The rp started with Eclipse and Moon, who used to run the Pizzaplex daycare instead of Sun and Moon, coming to the club after the pizzaplex burned down. They get taken care of, ect.

Basically one eyou come to this club you're taken care of and are allowed to stay, but you have to do a job in the club. Glitch is the bartender. Sun is a stripper (T-T). Moon sings. Eclipse is a waiter. Virus is a janitor. Andromeda plays music. Deitrack is security. And Julia helps with other things like music, cleaning, managing money and ordering things for others, making work outfits, taking care of newbies, and doing Sun's makeup. She just kinda does a little bit of everything, as she's good at a lot of things.

The reason the club hasn't been taken down or anything is because the Mafia, run by Dusk and Dawn, takes care fo the club.

Echo, who used to work at the pozzaplex but left when it burnt down, ended up also coming to the club looking for Moon and Eclipse, worried about them, and ended up being allowed to stay as security.

Nova also comes in at some point and is revealed to be Glitch's ex (No they arnt siblings in this au, neither is Virus siblings with either of the two. I wanted to get rid of that as shipping just kept getting confusing with the three being siblings. So-). They started off as enemies but Nova slowly warmed up to Glitch and him, Glitch, and Sun are now all three dating.

There's also this whole thing of the love Square. Sun and Moon are dating. Moon and Eclipse are dating. Eclispe and Glitch are supposed to end up dating. And Glitch and Sun are dating.
Plus Virus and Andromeda are dating, and Deitrack and Echo are gonna end up dating.

Its well known that Virus, Glitch, and Nova used to be from the same house and had the same owner, ect. As robots are treated just like objects/machines. But is also found out Sun did too.
Glitch, Nova, and Virus all left because Glitch ended up killing their owner because he was tired of being ordered to kill people and lashed out.
There were also a few bots at their place, including Lavender, Rosie, and Orbit. Orbit was the maid. Lavender was the gardener. And Rosie was the s.x bot before Sun was. But she ran away and Glitch was sent to kill her, and he had too, so Sun replaced her. He was kept locked in his room however so Glich, Nova, nad Virus never knew he was till they realized.

Rosie ended up being alive tho which is crazy.

There's honestly a lot that happened but thats the basics. There was also a lot of stuff with kidnapping and the mafia and Sun and yada yada but thats honestly the main thing.
Oh ya and Glitc has a glitch that makes him lash out and hurt people but he doesn't get it fixed because egging into his code hurts really fucking bad nad he has no pain tolerance caus when cant feel pain other than that


So ya, all that happened in their au.
And then Insomnia's damn magic goes haywire and they get transported into the 1st rp's au-
So it got real fucking complicated after that.
I mean not relaly at first, just some drama.
For simplicities sake were going to he calling the charecters by the names they changed to to help with identifying them:

1st Glitch: Error
1st Sun: Sun
1st Moon: Moon
1st Eclipse: Eclipse
1st Deitrack: Woody
Pr Sun: Soleil (nicknamed sol)
Pr Moon: Luna
Pr Glitch: Glitch
Pr Eclipse: Solaris
Pr Deitrack: Deirrack

There's only really one Echo in this rp, the pr one, so he just gets called Echo.
Also pr Nova, Virus, and Andromeda got transported to the au but they don't really matter too much rn, so-

Anyway, there was some drama with Sun. Error broke up with him and he got mad, ended up attacking Eclipse. Which made Eclipse, Moon, and Error all to divorce him. (oh ya they were married. Also this is an au of an au where the plex never burned down) Sun then reveals his true colors of being evil, "kills" Moon, and then gets locked up.
Of course robots in the rps are never truly dead so Ivy fixes him up and he's good to go.

Everything's a bit crazy with Eclispe and his memories, everyone's trauma, and the new people. Error picks his drinking addiction back up, and Eclipse ends up catching him. He remembers /everything/ and some drama goes down. They end up ending the night cuddling though.

However the next day they end up having a fight, because of everything that happened the night before. After the fight Eclispe storms outside and Error freaks out. He ends up clawing at his face, neck, and back of his head till he snags the wring wire and shuts down. Eclispe comes back in and goes to check on him and finds him "dead". He took him to parts and services and gets fixed up, they have a sweet moment and end up going back to heir room and fall asleep.

Then someone broke into the daycare that night and Error came down and ended up ripping them limp from limb- then left the pizzaplex.
Eclipse heard the commotion and came down along with Moon to find him gone ad the dead body- Eclipse went out of the pizzpalex to look for him while Moon stayed back, but when Eclipse was coming back he got hit by a car.

They got him fixed up but Error was still gone.

Some other stuff happened, yada yada.

Anyway, apparently Error was still in the plex. He went to Sun, still locked up in the room thing (also they had made a new Sun thats like now Moon's best friend- but the old Sun, the abusive ex, was still locked in the room) and tried to get thim to join him cause apparently he was evil now. But Sun apparently had reformed and said no, so he kidnapped him do he couldn't tell the others.

And then Error teamed up with the evil ass Eclipse from Jaq's story, they cause some chaos, Error kills some (bad) humans, him and Story Eclipse (who he has nicknamed Spitfire) are kind of a thing now.
Oh and also original Eclipse is fucking dead and smashed his chip.
But it's okay because Ivy will fix him
But the charectwrs don't know that they thing Eclipse is dead permanently

Oh, and (now dead) Eclipse has these other two people/code strings/ consciousnesses whatever in his body. They all are their own consciousnesses but they share the same base code and arnt aware they are eyes. Anyway, they're referred to as Nebula, Astro, and Eclipse.
Nebula was the Eclispe from before he lost his memories, Eclips is after, an Astro is jsut angry idk about him.
They're also referred to as Nice Eclipse (Nebula), Mean/Rude/Angry Eclipse (Asreo), and, i- pff- Sexy Eclipse (just Eclipse. He's horny. Idk Jaqs came up with this one)

So ya. Also this isn't all the scene sof course, and there was a /shit ton/ more that has happened but thats way too fucking much to explain so ya.
(Also Jaq's story has Ghost Eclipse, who Story Eclipse put into Error, and is now just kind of his son. Also he's named Wisp in the rp.)


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