I| Allure of a Deadly Fate

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“Mother said love without light is a counterfeit. What is light? Truth, purity, and goodness. To know what is and what isn't, to have the purest intentions, and to act in what is right. This means-”

“Stop! Cut! Cut! Maya, get off the stage!” The play Director of 'City of Love' yelled with an annoyed expression. Waving his hand dismissively at the teenage girl holding a script.

“Thank you.” Maya replied with a tired undertone, her slightly knitted brows relaxing as she let out a sigh of relief.

“Hurry and get off the stage.” Director Arwin responded gruffly, watching Maya nonchalantly pick up her bag and exit the platform. After which she gave the script to the blonde haired female standing close to the stage right. 

The young girl was just as indifferent as the audience that watched her performance. Mr. Arwin's hopes for this A-grade student were dashed successfully.

Even if one excelled in many things, it did not mean they would excell in all things. Acting was definitely not Maya Gazi's forte.

“And Maya?” The Director called out, just as Maya arrived at the closest exit, reaching out for the door handle.

“Yes sir?” She turned with a raised brow. Inwardly wishing for the one spectacled man to free her from this torture. Time was wasting every second Maya spent in the audition hall. This social gathering, this pointless activity that she held no interest in, that she couldn't perform well in, was something Maya despised.

“Even if you have no talent in acting -- it doesn't make sense to have no facial expression or change in tone. Did you deliberately fail?”

It was something so obvious Director Arwin had to ask. Was the young girl actually uninterested in earning extra credits? For a student who always stayed in the Elite leagues, it was unusual. Especially when presented with such an opportunity.

Maya's lips parted with a pause before she answered. “That is incorrect sir, I am simply incapable of making expressions that require the use of much facial muscles. The change in tone is... not something I understand quite well. Or, better yet, not something I know to do."

Mr. Arwin's brow shot up in confusion. “Medical condition?”

Maya nodded. “Arendite Dyroxia.”

“Unexpected.” Mr. Arwin was shocked once more. Then acknowledging the truth of the matter, he said, “You may leave now.”

Maya turned around, a smirk playing on her lips as she exited the audition room, shutting the door with her back faced to the room.

'Not all AD patients experience such open symptoms. Thankfully, using AD as an excuse has saved me the stress of countless annoying activities.'

'You'd think important staff members were more informed of their students, and their student representatives at that. But perhaps the true significant students are the children of those living in Western Hill.'

It wasn't that surprising to Maya that although it was clear in her school records that she was an AD patient, majority of the staff members/teachers were unaware.

Except for those whom she told, or those who received specific instructions to exempt her from various classes at the start of her school term. The rest were oblivious, but ask about Vassilis Rutherford's favorite color? They know.

Maya walked to the school library, her tall figure blending into the multitudes of students, all of which had outstanding traits that made her look relatively normal.

Ghouls with pale grey skin, black hair and ominous red pupils surrounded by black sclera. Standing in their alienated cliques as they discussed the latest gossip on 'Fright Magazine'.

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