Chapter 3

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" My betrothed-?" I said, smiling, while inside I felt numb. Father gazed at me with a stoic expression.

" You will attend your debutante ball with him as your partner-" Father said, gazing at me. " The union will bring prosperity to both of our families. I hope you and Duke Montera can get accustomed to your presences and values". I felt my hands clench against my skirt.

" Greetings, to you Duke Montera-" I said, inclining my head. My father hadn't even thought of asking me for my permission to marry a guy. I forced a smile across my face throughout dinner. Gabriel wasn't bad himself, we had some odd similarities between us. My hand rested on his arm as we strolled through the gardens quietly as my maids followed behind us.

" Lady Evangeline, to not pry-, I heard you weren't the only child of the Maverick duchy-"

" Ah-" I said, forcing a smile. " Yes . . I actually had a twin sister-. I was six years old when she suddenly fell into the lake and drowned. The house hasn't been the same ever since-."

" My deepest apologies for bringing up such a disheartening topic-" Gabriel murmured.

" No it's fine-" I said quietly. " Afterall you and I are to be wed soon, it makes sense for you to ask your betrothed these questions-." It got quiet as soon as I stopped talking.

" My Lady-" My maid murmured quietly. I turned back and glanced at her.

" It's late-, we should head back inside" she said, dipping into a curtesy.

" Ah-, we can't stay out a bit longer? The Sky is gorgeous-" I said, glancing at her. The maid looked nervous and flustered with what I said. I could see the young duke covering his mouth and looking away. I tilted my head confused.

" What is wrong with enjoying the view with my Betrothed-" I said blinking.

" Ah-, My Lady, if you stay out late without supervision , rumors will circulate that you slept with the young duke before your marriage-" She said quietly. I felt my cheeks turn hot.

" My apologies-" I said, flushing and shaking my hands at him. " I didn't mean to impose something like that!" I saw the corners of his mouth twitch as he gazed at me.

" I understand, My Lady-" he said, gazing at me before taking my hand and kissing it softly. " I'll visit once I'm free-". I felt something warm bloom in my chest as I smiled softly.

" I shall await you Milord-" I said, feeling my heart beat softly. I saw him bow and be escorted out with a few of our guards. I placed my hand lightly over my chest as I felt my heart race. What is this new feeling? Why am I so escalated to see him again?

" My Lady, we should head back inside," my maid said quietly. I lowered my hand and smiled.

" Let's go-" I said, spinning underneath the moon as a smile bloomed across from my face.


The manor was full of joy as everyone prepared for their ladies debutante and the new joy that a new marriage would bring.

I sat on a stool as my hair was delicately combed and pinned up. Light makeup was brushed over my fair skin as jeweled accessories were laid onto my neck. I wore a light blue gown with frills and bows decorating it.

" You look stunning, your Ladyship-" My maids squealed around me. I laughed lightly.

" it's all due to your hard work to doll me up -" I smiled at them as I took the hand a maid had offered. They smiled from the compliment. My cheeks were rosy pink and I didn't know why but I was excited to see the young duke. Was it like the novels I have read? That I have grown infatuated with the young duke? I felt myself blush and the door suddenly opened and my father entered the room. His attendant scurried after him.

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