A break

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Hello readers, I'm here to warn you all that there will be no chapters for January.

I have a few reasons for this, but most of all, my vacation is over and school is starting again, this means that if I choose to continue writing that that stress will pile up and eventually I'll have to stop writing completely to catch up and I don't want that.
Yes, February will once more have chapters.

Another reason is because I feel that this story isn't as well received as i would like it to be, and I don't expect thousand or even 500 views a chapter, but except for the first 4 chapters, none have even reached 200 and even the first chapter hadn't reached 500 hundred after half a year, so i feel like I'm simply wasting my time writing my chapters.

If by February, the views haven't gone up to 200 for the last 10 chapters, then I think I'm making this series a bi-weekly one where I'll upload only once every two weeks.

By March, 5000 words a chapter for bi-weekly uploads and by April I'm lowering it to 3000.
If by the summer vacation it had not hit 300 views on average per chapter, then I'm dropping this.

Goodbye and see you all in February.

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