7. Fight (Ft. Donna Kelce)

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  "I just don't know." I mumble with tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

  "That's okay darling," She says and opens her arms for me to hug her, and I cry. She pulls me in and my head rests on her shoulder.

  "Shh, sweet girl," she whispers, "you're okay.  You two are going to be just fine."

  She rubs my back until I calm down.

  "Come on hon," she says, "let's sit down."

I nod and follow her to the couch. She's such a good mom. Not only to Travis and Jason, but to me too. Kylie has talked about how perfect she is to her too. She's talked shit about Jason to her before, and Donna treated her like her own daughter.

  "What happened."

  "He- he um. We were arguing about a girl he's been talking to, and I thought he was cheating." I look into her eyes and see no judgement. No look of defense for her son. She's not taking sides at all.

  "He got really mad. I don't know what happened but he snapped, and I got scared. Usually he just sits me down and talks to me, but this time he yelled. He's never yelled at me before."

She squeezes my hand, telling me to continue.

  "I just left and came here. He's never yelled at me." I sniffle.

  "Oh, honey," she says. "What did he say."

   "That he's tired of me being insecure. And tired of being accused of something he's never done to anyone, much less the mother of his kids. He added some choice words."

   "Taylor, are you expecting to get cheated on?"

   "I-no. Not- I think."

   "Have you been cheated on before honey?" She asks with genuine concern.

   "Um, yeah."

   "How many times?"

   "The last three years in a six year relationship. Before that too. But, I don't think that I expect it to happen."

   "Who's the girl?"

   "I don't know. He's been texting her all the time and being secretive about it. I can't help but think that something is going on."

    "Do you maybe think that your insecurities might come from your past relationships?"

I nod.

   "Honey, why did you marry Travis?"

   "Because he's perfect for me. He's a good man. He loves me."

   "Mhm, but what did you tell Kylie that night before the wedding."

   "Because he's not... like the rest."

   "Taylor. He's not like them. Should he have yelled at you? Absolutely not, and I will be having a word with him about that. But, Travis adores you, sweet girl. He wants nothing more than to make you and those kids happy."

  "I need to go back, don't I?"

"I think so. Talk it out with him. Get on to him for yelling at you."

I nod. "Thank you Donna."

  "You're welcome sweetheart," she says before kissing my cheek.

  "I love you," I say before getting up to leave.

  "I love you too, straighten him up for me, okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Be safe."

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