Kai ~ Chapter 2

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The next day I wake up to screams coming from downstairs. I run downstairs to investigate and Kai has Lloyd pinned down.


Oh no Lloyd's....laughing??  Oh, Kai's tickling him. Lloyd must be ticklish. 


Kai: NEVER!!

I smile and watch the cute seen. Lloyd seems                                                                 to have noticed me.


Kai: Grace?

I tackle Kai and sit on him.

Grace: Wow, I must be more powerful then you! That was easy!

Kai: Haay! That was only because I didn't know you were here.

I roll my eyes and get off him. Lloyd pants on the floor, crying from laughter.

Kai: Sorry if we woke you up Grace.

Grace: Nah, its fine.

Lloyd jumps up and hugs Kai. Kai seemed to forget I was here and hugged Lloyd back. I watch the 2 for a minute before interrupting the cute seen.

Grace: AWWH! Hot-head Kai is actually a softie!

Lloyd laughs and Kai punches my arm playfully. Lloyd can't seem to stop laughing and Kai picks him up, making him laugh even more. We all laugh for a good hour and then Lloyd gives a slight yawn.

Kai: Tired?

Lloyd nods. Kai carries Lloyd to his room and we tuck him into bed.

Kai: See ya later kid.

Lloyd: Bye Kai.

Grace: Sleep tight!

Lloyd: Bye Grace.

Kai and I quietly leave the room.

Kai: [whispering] Wanna play video games?

I nod and we head downstairs.

====================LOUNGE ROOM====================

Grace: What game are we playing?

Kai: Fist to Face 2?

Grace: Okay.

We switch it on and I notice the high-score.

Grace: Lloyd owns the high-score?

Kai: It was Jay and before that me...

Kai looks angry.

Grace: Oookay. Lets play.


Grace: WOO! I WIN!

Kai looks really angry.

Kai: I have to go.

Kai runs off and straight after Lloyd comes downstairs.

Lloyd: What's wrong with Kai?

Grace: I beat him at Fist to Face 2!

Lloyd: Congratulations but...Kai hates losing more then anything in the world. He got angry at Jay when he did it. He didn't get mad at me though...Anyways we better cheer him up. 

==================IN KAI'S ROOM===============

Lloyd and I sit next to Kai on the edge of his bed.

Lloyd: Kai? Are you okay?

Kai: I'm fine...

Grace: Don't be such a sore loser!


Lloyd:  Where's the master of fire?

Kai: ...............

Lloyd: What will make you feel better?

Kai: You both have to let me tickle you!

Lloyd and Grace: OH GOODNESS!!

========================LATER AT NIGHT======================


Kai: Get over it! I can't believe you beat me in my favorite video game!

Grace: [Kai impersonation] Get over it!

Kai: I don't sound like that!

Grace: Your right, it's an improvement!

We laugh and then get ready for bed.

Grace: Today was a great day!

Kai: Yeah. Goodnight Grace.

Grace: Goodnight Kai!




Ninjago + Enchanted In The Moonlight CrossoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora