something I started 2 years ago🙏🙏

11 1 7

Not art, copied from goggle docs😭

Oh hi,Have you heard of the B.A.K.U (Build, Assort, Keep, Unit.Or just Baku to the public) Company?

If not , please allow me to explain!Well Baku is a popular Company kinda like apple(the technology company) But with Animals!And or Animals with the abilities of smartphones! pretty neat huh?

oh yeah!Wondering who I am?I'm Kaia.
I've had experience with Baku, first hand, it was maybe around August 5th? But it was snowing, its always cold where I live, its torture.

But, this is the start.

A loud voice came on the speaker, surprising me. The voice said,”All students 11-13 please come to the testing room” “FINALLY.We've been waiting for an hour!” i said to my sister,Koia whos a year younger  than me”oh shush,at least it wasn't two hours,how can you be so impatient for a 13 year old.”

“Well at least I'm not OBSESSED with ice cream!!” I Said teasingly and smirked playfully (:3) but we got up from our chairs.She stayed silent till we got to the testing rooms,about 20 rooms with one at the end of the seemingly endless hallway

i thought to myself,’huh,wonder what that room is.and why is it so long down the hallway?

’’Every one who is 13 go to that room,room 207.”the teacher pointed to the first room, my thoughts interrupted by the teacher i was about to head in when i heard someone say,

“bye,”it was koia,she said it almost in a whisper ,i waved to her ‘huh,wonder why were separated by age?eh’ i thought while sitting in the chair that had my name on it ‘kaya’

“they spelt my name wrong.''i whispered to myself while three different tests sat on my desk they were almost as thick as a book! Math,reading and science 'ha easy I'm going to ace all of them!'i thought to myself (ermm sure buddy)

                                       The test

"One moment please"The teacher excused himself whilst standing up.A while later, about 30 minutes the teacher still gone a soft voice behind me says,"Quick the answers!"

I don't get up because I was a good student,so I continue working "AHHHHHHHHH😰😰😰😰” A long high pitched scream goes on to about 15 seconds I immediately run to the door to hear the scream came from the room I see our teacher come out of the room at the end of the hallway covered in blood,human if not mistaken.

Terrified I run to my seat 10 minutes later the teacher walks in,new clothes "I am sorry for being gone to so long I had to 'take care of' a bad only 2 hours left,please hurry"the teacher gets on his phone

'WHAT.WAS.THAT.(WHAT WHAT WHAT🐓🐓🐓)' I Think to myself The two hours pass I finished the test.

A day later

,"Are you excited?"koia says to me while we walk to Baku academy "Definitely!I mean we are both getting in, right?'

' I say to my sister "Deff!Kaia I got all 100's" ''How do you know?"

"well I kinda cheated I saw the test questions in the lobby before they took our phones and looked them up"She said imditly

“WHAT,Do you know what discipline you could get for that??You could get kicked out of the school for that!"I said worried that what happened to that girl would happen to koia."I know I know but I mean at least what happened to luni and Terrie won't happen to us" 'who?' I think to myself "who are they?" I say"oh right you don't watch the news,Well two people went missing after the tests at Baku  that luni girl went missing about 3 months ago!2 and a half years for Terrie,both around 14 when they went missing"
koia said.

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