music store ( Y/N POV)

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The rain poured relentlessly, drenching everything in its path as I hurriedly made my way down the bustling city streets. Each droplet clung to my drenched figure, weighing me down like an invisible burden. I cursed my luck for forgetting my umbrella at home, but there was no way I could turn back now. I just needed to find shelter, anything to escape the merciless downpour.

As I rounded a corner, my eyes caught sight of a small music store tucked away between a coffee shop and a bakery. It seemed like the perfect place to seek refuge from the rain and gather my thoughts. Pushing open the door, I was greeted by the faint aroma of old vinyl records coupled with the soothing melodies playing softly in the background.

Shaking off the water from my clothes, I noticed a man standing by a shelf, quietly browsing through the CDs. There was something captivating about his presence – tall, dressed in casual attire, and with a head of perfectly tousled hair. He seemed lost in his own little world, completely unaware of my presence.

Summoning up the last shreds of my courage, I approached him, hoping to strike a conversation. "Do you have any recommendations?"  I'm looking for something... different, something that will take me away from this gloomy rain."

The man glanced in my direction, his deep brown eyes momentarily meeting mine. A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he pondered for a moment. "Try this," he said, his voice resonating with warmth. "It's a jazz record, the kind that makes you feel like you're dancing in the moonlight. Close your eyes, and let the music take you away."

Nodding in appreciation, I decided to take his advice and headed towards the jazz section. A myriad of artists and albums surrounded me, each waiting to be discovered. I settled on one that caught my eye - a timeless masterpiece that seemed to call out to me. With the album in hand, I made my way back to the counter, where the enigmatic man stood.

As he rang up my purchase, I couldn't help but steal glances at him. There was an undeniable attraction between us, an unspoken connection that left butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Just as I thought our interaction was coming to an end, he surprised me with a simple question.

"And what's your name?" he asked, his voice soft yet filled with intrigue.

Caught off guard by his sudden interest, I hesitated for a moment before replying, "It's Y/N."

With a nod of acknowledgment, he handed me the bag containing my newly acquired album. "Well, Y/N, it was a pleasure meeting you. Have a safe journey home."

Feeling both thrilled and disappointed that our conversation was over, I bid him farewell and stepped back out into the rain. My thoughts were consumed by the enigmatic stranger, his image refusing to leave my mind. I hurriedly made my way back home, my heart racing with anticipation.

Finally finding solace in the warmth of my living room, I sank into the couch and basked in the silence. As I opened the album and examined the packaging, a small sticker caught my attention. My hands trembled slightly as I read the words written on it – a phone number. A thrill of excitement coursed through my veins, the realization hitting me like a bolt of lightning.

Jungkook, the hot man from the music store, had left his phone number for me. My heart skipped a beat as I contemplated whether to call or not. Was this the beginning of something extraordinary, or just a fleeting encounter amidst the rain? Only time would unravel the answer, but one thing was for sure – Jungkook had effortlessly woven his way into my thoughts, leaving an indelible mark on my rainy day.

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