Medium Story #2

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This one... is interesting, to say the least. I was extremely sleep deprived at the time of writing, but I knew exactly what I was doing. In direct sequel to the one before, it does not have the same ending. Fair warning for gore in gruesome details. This is also the one from Youtube if that's what's brought you here. But I misremembered it a bit. The picture this is based off of it found ^.

Look at those eyes. Just so vacant.


The night was surprisingly restful. It was interesting how quickly you got used to screams periodically going off in the distance.

In the morning, I decided to go into the village nearby, to see if anyone knew anything. I packed some food and other gear into my pack, and headed off, holstering my pistol, almost as an afterthought.

I had to spend the night on the path, overlooking a sheer drop on one side, and a massive granite wall on the other. I woke up easily. It was a lot different out here, without the logs to muffle the screeches.

I knew that I'd reach the town of Hill-dolfer soon after dark, so I pushed on. I wish I didn't. I reached the town, and no one was there. It was eerie. There was some fog that was beginning to form, and off in the distance, a door was creaking on a broken hinge.

I knew better than to call out. I crept through the alleys to the inn that I frequented when I came to town. I went through the back door, then blanched. The innkeeper, a kind man named Orvith, was stuck to the wall, in the center of a burned symbol. A bowling pin, which I knew from my last foray into the town. At the navel, he'd been nearly sliced through, only the blood drenched spinal column holding his lower half up. His guts were tied around his neck.

As always in these gruesome situations, my mind was shocked into looking at signs for what did this. To my concern, it looked like new branches had grown out of the planks on the walls, and that's what held him up. Also, apart from the disembowelment, cuts littered him, and chunks were taken out of his flesh. Not to mention that his brain was exposed, his eyes gouged out, and his chest cavity was open, with ribs sticking out at odd angles.

The wind waxed, and I heard ominous chanting coming from what seemed to be the town square. I exited through the back door, and slinked in that direction, occasionally checking other houses. It was all the same, with the exact same symbol.

I made my way to the town square. I saw, well, a demonic ritual. A man stood in the center, and awkward smile on his face. I knew I didn't, but I looked down. Apart from his head, his body was completely skinless, and his guts were wrapped around his chest. I looked up, and I saw something I didn't notice before, somehow. His eyes were dangling out of their sockets. On his head, was a bowling pin hat. It had a faintly red glow.

Around him, chanting and spinning, were, somehow, even more horrible monsters. They were a mixture of exposed muscles, random limbs, and chitinous claws and mandibles, all held together with a black gell, oozing liquid. I shuddered. They were making sounds part way between human speech and the chittering of squirrels, with hints of a wet growl.

I stayed hidden in the shadows. I didn't know if I could do anything, so I didn't try to start it, but I should try to move away. I stood frozen at the demonic chanting.

Finally, the person in the center threw back his head and let out a piercing scream, but it rose and fell like a laugh. Then the circle that the outer demons were tracing turned red, and a tentacle shot out of it, grabbing the bowling pin man. Then, a giant mouth came out, swallowing the man. Then the rest followed. It was a massive, seething mass of parts. (Transcribers note: the description of this thing is just gibberish. Here's some photos we found on our own. , ). It started off as merely ginormous, somehow squeezing through the hole, but as it rose into the sky, it got bigger and bigger, until it was larger than the moon, at least from my perspective.

That broke me. I ran, my throat so tight it nearly strangled me, although it kept me from screaming.


One Month Later- In a bunker somewhere in the Mountains

On all the channels were the same two things. The floating mass in space and the hordes of skinned zombies with their guts around their chest, their faces having the same dead smile and lifeless eyes, the bowling pin controlling them. I still hadn't gotten over the horror.

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