S1: Murder Family/The Mountain Episode 1

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(Intro above)

(Y/n's pov)

I left the hotal early to get to the "office" of these imps and hound are working at they see me and the tall imp says

Tall imp: hey there he is! The big man himself

I forgot there names so I asked

Y/n: I forgot you're names, could you please remind me?

BlitzØ: of course, well I am Blitz the O is silent of course

Y/n: what O?

BlitzØ: Now your talking (points to Millie) This one who's giving you the goo goo eyes is Millie

Millie: hiya

Y/n:thinking:(She has got to be the Thiccest imp alive)out loud: Pleasure to make your acquaintance Millie

BlitzØ:(Points to Moxxie) and this know it all is Moxxie, Reminder he has a little dick.

Moxxie: Refrain Sir

Y/n: Where I come from, a man who insults ones meat is jealous

BlitzØ: eh whatever(Points to Loona) and this is my Loony Toony

Loona:(Groans) its Loona say it right!!

Y/n: As you all know I am Y/n The Ghost of Sparta

BlitzØ: yeah and I see you put the Ghost part out good, the ashy skin for one thing

Y/n: my skin was cursed to be white

BlitzØ: oh well beggars can't be choosers huh?


We get inside the office and we're sitting down at a table Millie speaks to me first

Millie: are you really the God of War?

Y/n: Yes I am, I killed Ares and Thought the Gods would take the Nightmares away but they used me, and then I became there new God of War.

Millie: they "used" you?

Y/n: I did there bidding for years as there champion, and they didn't fulfill there promise to me

Millie: well hon, that's awful

The one called Moxxie looks at my red tattoo and says

Moxxie: That tattoo is an impressive mark

Y/n: it is the Tattoo is the resemblance of my Brothers Birth mark

BlitzØ: woof, that had to be some birth mark

We all sit down at a table Loona is on some weird little box that moves

Y/n: how did you do that?

Loona: what? oh this(swipes on phone)

Y/n: What sorcery is that?!

Loona: it's my phone.

Y/n: what's a phone?

Loona: well it's where you spend some activitys on or just to do whatever

Y/n: is it magic that makes this phone work?

Loona: no its Technology.

Y/n: "Technology"?

Loona:thinking:(This guy is dense and old century, but maybe we could help him and he does look cute)

And Blitz shouts

BlitzØ: Alright, everybody I'll be in a meeting with a client, Moxxie you ready yourself, Millie help your friend, and Loona get Y/n caught up the speed on what we do here

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