CHAPTER 1: In a middle school

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Spain is a teacher in the CB middle school, his students thought that he was a good teacher, he was!
Even though when Poland came to the school, nothing happened everyone helped him in his darkest times, the school was very sweet to Poland, until Germany and Russia escaped the school, they went to a forest because they heard that Reichtangle was going to kill them, they runned, runned and runned until they reach the border of Texas-Mexico.
-For my motherland!!- Said Russia
-Oh mein gott, the border is closed- Said Germany- What are we going to do, Russland?
- Very good question, Oh! I got ideas, plan A: Jump the border, plan B: go to Berlin and plan c : Disguise! - Said Russia
- Maybe plan B ist the best- Said Germany
-Okay, let's just do that- Said Russia

They went to Berlin especially the east, Germany said that if Russia heard the legend of Reichtangle, Russia said no he never heard it,

Germany starts Readcting:
One time, Poland was very scared of goings alone, he until thought that he alreadys passed that phobia, until The great Czechoslovakia came, he saids: Of you don't me, I'm Czechoslovakia, call me Czech for short. Poland shitted himself  while seeing want is thought to be Reichtangle, they runned for thier lives!

-And it was the end, Russland, did yuo enjoy myth? - Said Germany
- Xaxaxaxa .. ...- Said Russia
-Russland, what's wrong? -
-I think that we are in the same forest and the legend said. - Said Russia
- I think Spain won't get us, he is just a boring old man- Said Germany
- Da! I think it's time for me and you to cross the Flamenn Forest- Said Russia
- Let's go! - Said Germany

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