A Brutal Beginning

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The Never Ending End Remastered

By: Clyde

Chapter One

A Brutal Beginning

I can't believe I'm doing this, it's been a jumble of a morning, and I chose to go on another stupid "adventure" with that bone head. Honestly, this is nothing but trouble.

At least I'm met with Sucy... At least I can tell her.

"So, what's up?" She asked, breaking the melancholy silence.

I suppose I should get to the part where I'm telling her how my mornings turn into shambles... that it already was, but I guess into bigger shambles.

1984 Friday, June 1st, 7:05 a.m. (the first day of summer).

There I was sleeping ever so soundly— well, actually not so soundly. To tell you the truth I was having a nightmare. I remember trembling and feeling my legs thrash up and down in a mangeled manner. It felt like my body was being processed as my mind had no control. As my dreams were in terror the only person to save me from them was my one and only "night". Carter 'Casey' Cooper.

That dingbat shook me back n' forth until I woke up!

'Ace, Ace, ACE! Wake up!' I heard him shout.

Tears spew down my restless amber-green eyes. They couldn't really adjust without their glasses but they managed to lay their vision on Carter's distorted and blurry face.

'H- hey I- I'm up! C- Casey I'm up.' I said as it seemed like he had a worried look on his face.

'Ace, are you okay? I didn't think your nightmares were that horrific...' He said. I replied, stuttering 'I- I s-shut up! W-What do you want—'

Before I could finish my shakey sentence he hugged me for a good three minutes. He then said... 'It's time to get up, sleepyhead, we have to go on an adventure.'

It's hard to see the expression on his face but I knew that he was smiling. He began to stroke my hair and grab my glasses that were next to me on my nightstand.

'H- hey stop that! Now, what kind of adventure were you thinking about?' I could feel his grin widen after I said that.

"We're going to the end of the rainbow!' Did I snort? Laughed? I WHEEZED.

The end of the rainbow? He must be crazy if he thinks I'm gonna go to the end of the rainbow with him because that's impossible! Although, he knew I was going to say no, so he began to give me his "kitten plea" but my face wrote "No, most definitely not", and he leaned in to me, almost having his face cuddled against mine.

'Please, you know it's never the same without you.' He pleads.

'S- Screw you... Why should I go anyhow? You guys just pushed me around... and nearly broke my camera last adventure.' said I who didn't want to go.

Of course, when I said that I was over abbreviating. I looked away from him trying not to get flustered.

'Well, you don't want anything bad to happen to me, do you?' he started meddling with my hair, and I couldn't help but push him away.

'Oh, please since when did you EVER get damaged on one of our adventures hm? However, I am willing to go if I get something out of it.' I added folding my arms.

He cocked an eyebrow and looked quite puzzled for a moment until he said, 'Pff, alright. What might you want out of me?' He asked, putting my glasses on for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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