Seaside Secrets

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Credit to Fantasyinallforms


Bilbo agrees to go on vacation with Thorin but neglects to ask where until it's too late, and is swept off to a seaside getaway far from home. The issue is that he can't swim, and he's too embarrassed to tell Thorin lest he ruin his vacation plans. Just how long can he keep this secret hidden? We also dive deeper into the secrets of Thorin and Dis's tumultuous childhood.

This is part three of my Happy Accidents Universe! I recommend at least reading part 1 before reading this!


Chapter one: An Ill-planned Vacation

Bilbo made one major mistake when blindly agreeing to go with Thorin on a two-week-long vacation. He forgot to ask where they were going. That was until it was too late to back out. Thorin had a seaside property that he inherited from his grandfather. His family made it a point to visit at least once a year while the weather was warm to take advantage of the crystal waters. Thorin talked about it with reverence. The water was naturally filtered by minerals from the nearby mountants, which made the water crystal clear. Fili and Kili tripped over themselves to tell him about the beautiful sandy shore. Perfect for barbeques, sandcastles, and finding rocks or even, sometimes, gems that had been washed down the mountain. You would think that a mountain-fed lake would be cold, but there were apparently natural hot springs that bubbled under the surface of the lake, keeping it a comfortable temperature despite the mountain's icy waters.

Bilbo hadn't had a real vacation in so long, and this hidden gem of a place sounded like a paradise. There was only one slightly major hangup. Bilbo didn't know how to swim, and the idea of water that could go above his head was unsettling in general. When he was very small, he had gotten caught up in some fast-moving water while playing in the river near his childhood home. He never had a desire to go near it again. He agonized for an entire day over whether to come up with an excuse or just tell Thorin outright. It came down to two things: the first was that he was ashamed of his inability, and the second was that he didn't want to spoil Thorin's fun. He had been so overjoyed when Bilbo said yes to the vacation.

That is how Bilbo found himself standing in the airport clutching a ticket Thorin had given him and a small duffle bag of clothes, most of which he had bought just that week. He checked, and double-checked, and triple-checked the ticket to make sure he was standing at the right gate. Just as he was starting to seriously rethink the entire idea, he heard two rascally voices shout at him from the other side of the room.

"BILBOOOOO," Fili and Kili shouted as they took off from their mother's side to skid to a stop in front of him.

"Hello, prince bees." Bilbo gave them both a hug best he could with the bag in his hand.

"Are you ever going to stop calling us that!" Kili pestered

"Yeah, our birthday was," Fili counted on his fingers for a moment, " Nine and a half months ago!"

"Do you want me to stop calling you that?" Bilbo asked amusedly

"You know they don't" He felt the bag slip off his shoulder, followed by Thorin's hand around his waist. He pressed a kiss to Bilbo's hair. "I'm sorry we're late. The boys were not cooperative, and I didn't have time to get to my phone."

"It's not a problem, really. I was almost worried I'd arrive at the airport and find out you had a private plane or something!" Even among his babbling, he felt his anxiety start to subside. Seeing Thorin, slightly mussed with hair coming loose from the messy bun he had tried to put it in was a balm for the soul. He was the perfect calming presence. Bilbo turned around to give him a proper hug.

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