My first day.

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Enjoy all you Percabeth lovers. :-)

Percy's POV

I woke up to the sound of my stupid alarm clock. I smashed the snooze button a little too hard.. I never wanted today to happen, let me explain. It is my first day at my new high school, Goode High. I always get bullied so I guess this school will be no different. I don't have any friends, seriously none!


I ran down the corridor past all the lockers. I was meant to catch the bus but I left my books in the classroom so I had to run back. I had nearly reached the bus when someone, I mean a gang of people pushed me over. Just my luck, it was the boy with all the girls, Matt Sloan. My books I had been holding close to my chest had fallen over. I tried to stand up but one of Matt's girl minions pushed me back down. 

"Please... I just want to go home." I pleaded, collecting my books. 

"Fine, go then Jackson!" Matt shouted. I was surprised and stood up, only to be yanked back down. Matt and his gang shrieked with laughter. He stole one of my books I brought from home and read the title.

"101 facts about the sea. You wuss, reading about the sea? You won't need this anymore." Matt laughed at the title and at me, so did his gang. I didn't care about them laughing, I just cared about my book. I exploded when Matt started ripping it up. I jumped up and threw a punch, but he easily caught it and threw me back to the ground.

"Go run, Jackson." and with that I sped off, tears clouding up my eyes.

---Flashback ends---

I threw on my normal clothing, a black t-shirt and jeans. Then I put on my blue hoodie. I didn't like it when people make eye contact with me so mostly I hid my eyes under my hoodie. 

I walked down the stairs of my house and saw my mom cooking breakfast. I sat down at the table and muttered good morning. I grabbed my piece of toast when I realised the bus was waiting outside. My mom was called Sally and was the nicest person in the world.

"Got to go mom, bye!" I waved at her and she waved back. The bus was bright yellow like 'The Magic School Bus'. I was about to step up when a girl with blonde curls and stormy grey eyes walked first. She looked beautiful, but I knew she wouldn't notice me. I stopped staring and stepped up. I sat by myself for the whole ride at the back of the bus, everyone was talking except for me. Nobody even looked at me. 

We reached school at around 8:00 and I went to the secretary for my schedule. The secretary has black hair tied back in a ponytail, and circle glasses. She had a long nose that I couldn't stop noticing.

"Name?" she asked, she had a very British accent.

"Percy Jackson." I replied. She took a moment to search on her computer, then shook her head.

"There is no Percy Jackson here, however there is a Perseus Jackson." I flinched at my real name.

"Yep, that would be me." I said, she handed me my schedule and I read it.





Marine Biology

Free Period


I walked to the Math classroom, when I bumped into someone making their books fall to the ground. Instantly I bent down to pick them up and returned them to the owner. It was the girl that walked in front of me at the bus stop.

"Uh.. I'm really sorry." I stuttered.

"Thats okay. Whats your name? I am Annabeth Chase." She held out her hand, I shook it.

"Percy Jackson." I looked into her eyes, grey and stormy, so beautiful. We countinued talking for a while until we realised we needed to get to class, turns out, I have all the same classes apart from Marine Biology with her. We walked together to Math, I noticed boys glaring at me for some reason. Then I realised Annabeth was one of the most popular and beautiful girls in the school.

I chose a desk next to Annabeths and we saw the teacher, and short fat man with a beard and grey hair walk in.

"I am Mr.Notrus. You must pay attention in my class or there WILL be trouble." He glared at all of us.

After a long and boring math lesson I went to English with Annabeth. She seemed nice, but also really popular. From my school experience, popular people are the mean ones. But not Annabeth Chase. Probably every boy in the school had a crush on her. Sometimes I wonder where they got the word 'crush' from. She probably doesn't even like you, the annoying side of my head said. Maybe, just maybe she does, the positive side of my head replied. Right before we entered the classroom, Annabeth asked me a question that my heart nearly came out of my chest for. 

"Can I have your number?" Her breathe smelt like fresh honey.

"Uh... Sure." I managed to snap out of my daze. So we exchanged numbers. After English class with Ms.Morgan (very nice), I went to Lunch. I saw nowhere to sit so I went to a small bench outside. I got my sandwich out and began to eat it. I love BLT sandwiches. I saw Annabeth and a group of friends go inside the Lunch room, my heart dropped when she didn't notice me. She was where short jeans and a purple shirt that showed her belly button with a 'Peace' sign on it. 

I sat on the bench with no one to keep me company. Then Annabeth came outside with a boy following her.

"Where are you going Annabeth?" He kept on nagging her. Annabeth didn't reply but walked straight up to me. 

"Hey, can I sit with you?' she asked, a lovely smile on her face.

"Sure." I scootched over so she had room. The boy that was asking her where was she going came over.

"Come on Annabeth, lets ditch this weird new guy." Annabeth hesitated, and for a moment i thought she was going to go away. Instead she kicked him where the sun don't shine. He quickly ran off.

"No way, Mark. And call him weird, and i'll kick you harder." Annabeth shouted after him. I had a really big crush on her now. Together we ate lunch. We spoke a lot about our family. turned out we were neighbours. I wanted to talk more, but by then the bell rang to signal  the end of lunch. 

"Lets go to the gym, I'll show you where it is." Annabeth lead me behind the school to a artificial grass pitch about the size of a football pitch. A man in a white and blue jumpsuit stood in the middle. He had brown hair that looked like it had never been combed.

"Alright, cupcakes! I am your gym teacher, Gleeson Hedge. But you better call me Coach Hedge or there will be trouble." He screeched at us. Coach Hedge pointed at me and a few others. 

"You will be running across the fields while everyone else will throw these dodge balls at you." I felt sad, Annabeth was very good at throwing, she was probably going to hit me. I was terrible at running. I was terrible at everything.

Quickly, I ran across the pitch. Back and forth, back and forth. I was actually having fun. 

Right up until some guy hit me in the face.

I fell down, pain searing all over my body, my nose was bleeding. Painfully, I managed to stand up, a wipe away the blood. Thats when I noticed everyone was laughing at me. Great job, percy. What a way to introduce yourself. I scolded myself. I saw the guy who threw the ball at my face get shouted at by Hedge. The boy had blond hair and a scar running down his face. Good for him.

---Time skip to end of day---

I went to my locker to get my bag and books when someone yanked me from behind. It was the boy who threw the ball at my face. I fell to the ground, my books spilling everywhere. 

"You got me in trouble!" He said to me, punching my gut.

"Let me teach a you a lesson about this school. I rule it. You are also making the girls I like hang out with you, so BACK OFF!" He liked annabeth? 

"S-Sorry." I quickly ran home.

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