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I flopped down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. My stomached ached from where I had been hit. Turns out that guys called Ethan, and is nearly as popular as Annabeth. I opened my cookie jar and took out two blue ones. Why blue? Don't ask me, just an old joke I had with my mom. I felt bored. I decided that I was going to go to the park for a walk. Quickly, I grabbed my coat and said goodbye to my mom.

Suddenly, I got a notification on my iPhone. It was from Annabeth. My face lit up when I read it.

Annabeth:Wanna come to the mall, with some of my friends.

Quickly I texted back, 

Percy:Sure will be there in 5.

"Hey mom, change of plans. I'm going to the mall with a friend." My mom looked over at me.

"Who is this friend, Percy?" Typical mom, always curious.

"Well, she's just a friend." I explained.

"Ohmigod. Its a she?! Whats her name? Is she nice?" My mom started giggling like crazy.

Finally, I managed to squeeze out and get to the mall. When I got there I saw Annabeth talking with 8 other people.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain, you actually made i. Let me introduce you to my friends." She pointed to all of them.

"Seaweed Brain? Where did that come from, Wise Girl?" I joked. 

"This is jason and his girlfriend Piper." she pointed to a boy holding a girls waist. Jason had blonde hair and glasses, he was at least an inch taller than me. Piper is obsessed with school gossip and is Cherokee. She had long braided hair.

"And this is Frank and Hazel." They both waved. Frank was Chinese-Canadian and had a buzz cut. Hazel had frizzy hair and a nice and friendly smile.

"And the one and only messed up Leo." I saw a curly haired boy with elfish ears. He had a mischievous grin like he was willing to do anything to be class clown.

"This is Nico and Thalia. They are not a couple just saying." A boy with black hair and a black shirt and a- you know what, black everything except his skin. The girl was similar, just had gold earrings.

"At least not yet!" Leo cracked up and so did everyone else. Nico and Thalia blushed madly.

"Finally, my boyfriend, Luke." A boy with sandy brown hair and a scar on his face shook my hand. Luke kissed Annabeth on the cheek and I felt my heart drop. Why did Annabeth have to have a boyfriend. Dang! Luke was really muscular and I had no chance of getting with Annabeth. We entered the mall and split up. I naturally was single, so I went with Leo who could not stop talking. Finally we all went home. Whenever we passed Annabeth and Luke I sneaked a glance at her.

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow." I waved and walked down the street.

---Time skip to end of school tomorrow---

Annabeth POV

Percy was strange. In a good way by all means. He has messy jet black hair, and those eyes, sea green. Wait! Stop Annabeth, you have Luke. I scolded myself. I loved Luke, I have known my group of friend since I was 7. All of us were going to hang out at Burger King now, percy was not included. We walked down the street past the school field and the amazing smoothie shop. Eventually we made it to Burger King. I sat down next to Luke and somehow everyone started talking about Percy.

"So what do you think of him, Luke?" I asked. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"He seems cool. But I hated the way he looked at you. Please stay with me." I hugged luke.

"Of course. I'm yours." I smiled. 

"He seems to like you, I think. The way he always looks at you, especially in the mall." 

"Don't worry I belong with y-" Everyones eyes widened and they looked in my direction. I turned round and saw Percy stroll in. For some reason I got really mad. He saw me and waved.

"Oh, hi guys." He said.

"First you look at me like a stalker in the mall when you know I'm with Luke and now your following me? Get away from me freak. Stop following me." I shouted at Percy. Luke glared at him.

"oh, um sorry. I was just looking for a burger. Don't worry. I'll go to McDonalds if you don't want me here. sorry.I'm used to people calling me a freak, happens all year." Percy turned round and walked back out and went to the McDonalds that was like 20 blocks away. Luke said he needed some fresh air and walked outside.

Percy POV

I felt hungry and I saw a Burger King so I walked in. I was nearly at the counter when I saw Annabeth and the others.

"Oh, hi guys." I said casually.

For some reason Annabeth called me a stalker and told me to get away. I was used to people calling me names, but I thought Annabeth was my friend. Luke glared at me angrily and looked like he was going to murder me. 

"Oh, um sorry." I walked outside, and went to the McDonalds 20 blocks away. Quite a walk. Tears stung in my eyes as I realised all my 'Friends' had just rejected me. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and for a second I though it was going to be Annabeth saying sorry. Instead it was Luke. he threw a punch and it hit my eye. I fell to the ground in agony, the tears streaming out.

"NEVER EVER MAKE HER ANGRY! SHE IS MINE! NOW BACK OF YOU IDIOT!" He looked like he was going to rip my lovely intestines out. I stood up and ran as fast as I could back home. I flopped on my bed, slamming the door. I knew it, I would never have friends. when I died only family would come to my funeral. Sorry, only my mom would come. A loner for life. That would be the words etched on my tombstone. 

I didn't want to go to school, not to see my old 'friends'. Sadly I had too.

Percy Jackson (AU), High School Life.Where stories live. Discover now