The Dog Sitter Imagine

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Imagine: One day you were dog sitting a puppy named buddy while there owner was gone for two days. When you got to the house and knocked on the door. Some one oddly familiar looking let you in. "Hey, I'm Demi and umm... Buddy is somewhere I'm not sure where. He's the nicest little puppy though. And I love him a lot so take care of him." She said smiling after she shook my hand. You chuckled and she smirked at you. You bit your lip, extremely attracted to her. "I promise nothing will happen to him." You say in remark. "Well here's my number for just in case and tomorrow morning I'll be on the today show. So I might be back tomorrow night but I'm not sure yet. I'll call you if I need anything." She tells you and you smile. "Umm... Just out of curiosity. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but are you checking me out?" She asked after your eyes roamed her body. "Mmm, slightly. Sorry if you don't roll that way or anything. I'm just really attracted to you... this is embarrassing so I'm going to stop talking." You said and looked away blushing. "I mean it doesn't bother me... As long as me checking you out doesn't bother you" she said as she lifted your chin up to look her in the eye. Now you have this urge to kiss a stranger. You watched her eyes following them from your eyes to your mouth. She moved closer to you and her lips made contact with yours. You kissed her and you dropped your purse when she pinned you up against the wall, your lips moving in sync. "Umm demi" you here a males voice. She pulls away and turns to the man. "You have five minutes till we need to head to the airport" the man spoke. "Okay, thank you" she said dismissing the man. He walked out of the room and headed to the front door with Demi's luggage. "Well umm.. I have to get going, just call me if you erm.. Need anything. Okay bye now.. y/n. " she said walking away from you. She leaves with that guy and you sit on the couch in shock over everything, then a white fluff ball jumps on your lap. "Whoa hey buddy, I've watched you before. I just never met your sexy ass owner" you said to buddy and he just barked at you. You order some Chinese food not completely sure what there is food wise around you. So you place a delivery order for sesame chicken. About a half an hour later there was a knock at the door and you go so excited cause you haven't ate at all today. "$14.99" the man said handing you over the bag of food. "Umm, here's twenty keep the change" you said handing him a twenty dollar bill. "Thank you have a good day mam" he said. "Thank you, you to" you replied closing the door and locking it. You went into the kitchen to grab a fork and some napkins and something to drink. There was a glass of whit wine on the counter so why not have some with your Chinese food. You took everything to the living room and sat on the couch turning on Sponge Bob. For some reason that was the best Chinese food ever, it was gone in ten minutes. As you sipped on your wine you go a text from Demi. 'Skype?' It said. Now in panic you run to the bathroom brush your teeth and put your hair into a messy yet sexy bun. Then strip and put on a low cut loose tank top and booty shorts. " damn I look good" you thought to your self looking in the mirror. "Sure I was just getting ready for bed ;)" you answered. "I bet you look adorable, all ready for bed" she texted you back. You get a glass of water and sat down as your phone buzzed. It was the Skype call demi asked for. Your nerves kick in as you accept it. She pops up on your screen wearing a sports bra and yoga shorts all sweaty. "Sorry for the lack of clothing, I just got done working out" she said smiling at you. "Its okay, whats up?" You asked feeling your stomach get butterflies looking at her boobs. "nothing just wanted to check up on you and buddy. You look really good for just going to bed" she said with a chuckle. 'Ugh she's so cute' you think to yourself. "We're okay and mmm yeah i dont know. I just put my hair up really" you say hesitant. "Aha okay y/n, if you say so" she replies. "I know what you're doing.. You really think I couldn't put a shirt on, I could've but.. What's the fun in that?" She adds. "This is true. You look so sexy. I'm sorry to be so blunt but..." You say but she's cuts you off. "Well I am trying to impress you soooooo... If its working then don't apologize" demi says. You blush, "its definitely working" you say. "Well why dont you take that top of yours off too so we can be even here.." demi says smirking. You suddenly get really self conscious and nervous, "i...i dont know demi, my body is nowhere near as good as yours.." you say snd bite your lip nervously. "Please babe, im sure you have a hot body" she says and you slowly start to take your shirt off. You remember you put on a nice bra earlier so you gain a little confidence, blushing still you pull your shirt over your head. You see demis eyebrows go up and she says "i thought you would have a good body but damn girl its amazing" you feel your face getting even warmer, "thanks demi, but its nothing compared to you" you say. She just shakes her head and giggles at you, you take a sip of your water. "So was buddy good today?" Demi asks. "Of course he was, hes right over there sleeping now" you say pointing the camera at buddy sleeping in his bed. "Awwww thats my good little baby" demi says making buddys ears perk up but hes too tired to move, "alright my baby is asleep.. what do you say we have a little fun?" Demi asks biting her lip and winking. "What kind of fun you talking about babe?" You say trying to bite your lip seductively, you feel like you fail but due to demis breathing change you know you didnt. She reaches down and pulls off her bra revealing her gorgeous boobs, you can no longer control your breathing as she starts to play with her nipples. "Hang on babe i have to make sure my door is locked so no one comes in" she says getting up. You decide to surprise her and take off your bra while shes gone, when she returns she gasps, "what a nice surprise" she says and uses one hand to play with her nipple while the other trails down her body and into her pants. You feel yourself getting wet and join her by putting your hand into your pants, letting out a moan as you do. "Oh yes thats right baby" demi moans, you take off your shorts and panties leaving yourself naked on her couch. "Ugh demi i wish you were here right now" you say and she moans. She reaches down and pulls off her shorts and panties and you can see how wet she is. She begins to pick up her pace and you do the same, both moaning you say "demi im so close and i dont want to get cum on your couch." "Oh dont worry about it babe im sure theres plenty of my own on there" she says breathlessly and winks at you and that was all it took for you to reach your climax, letting loose with her soon following. "Oh baby i cant wait till i get home tomorrow and i can actually feel you" demi says "fuck demi, the things you do to me by just saying things like that.. you sure you cant come home early?" You ask. "Im sure babe, im performing on the today show tomorrow, be sure to watch, ill wink at the camera and you will know thats for you" she says, "ill be on the plane back home as soon im done and as soon as i get there and say hi to buddy im all yours" she continues. "Okay hun ill let you get some sleep for now then since you have a big day tomorrow. Ill be thinking about you" you say and blow a kiss to the camera, "okay babe, ill be thinking about you too, sleep well, ill see you tomorrow" she says and she also blows a kiss before hanging up. The next day you wake up to a text from demi saying 'good morning beautiful i hope you slept well and are up in time to watch me perform :)' you smile and get up to let buddy out, while he is out you reply 'turning it on now i cant wait' and then you let buddy in and turn on the tv. "Your mommy is gonna be on tv" you say as buddy jumps up on the couch next to you. Just as you turn on the tv you hear the announcer say 'demi lovato with her hit single really dont care!' You watch her dancing and smiling and and just when you thought it wasnt going to happen she winked at the camera and you were smiling like an idiot. You texted her saying 'i saw the wink, cant wait to see you babe' she replied with 'i had a car waiting to take me to the airport its not far and ill be on the plane home' 'okay see you soon!' You said and you began to make some eggs for breakfast. After you ate you took buddy on a short walk and then straightened up the house and took a shower, when you were getting out of the shower you hear the door open and demi say "im home buddy did you miss me?" You quickly get dressed and towel dry your hair, throwing on a little mascara you walk out and say "hey demi, sorry i was in the shower" "thats okay babe you look good with your hair wet" she replied walking towards you. She pushed your hair off your face and kissed you softly. "Lets go play with buddy outside for a little and tire him out then we can come in and have some fun of our own" she said. After playing fetch with buddy till his short legs couldnt run anymore you went inside. Buddy got a drink of water and went right to bed while demi poured two glasses of wine and took them to the bedroom expecting you to follow. Once you walked in there you looked at her and she was already in her sexy, black, lace bra and panties, you walk over to her and push her back on the bed, "ive been waiting for this" you wisper and then kiss her gently at first, running your tongue along her lips she opens her mouth allowing enterance, deepening the kiss making it rougher. She presses her hips against you and suddenly you feel like you have way to much clothing on, you stand up and she whines a little "dont worry babe im just taking some clothes off, i have too much on" you say. "Take them all off, i want you naked" she says taking off her panties, she begins to rub herself watching you undress. "Fuck demi dont do that" you say biting your lip as you crawl back in bed naked. You begin to kiss up ger legs, on her inner thighs and then you kiss her right where she was rubbing thinking that must be the spot. She moans "fuck y/n you are such a tease" she says and you begin to slowly move your tongue around her clit, she is so wet and its turning you on so much. "Ugh babe youre so wet for me" you say looking up at her, shes removed her bra and is rubbing her breasts. You begin to kiss up her stomach, moving her hands you massage one breast while sucking on the other. As you climb up her, your pussy touches hers and she lets out a loud moan, realizing she likes that you began to rub it against her. Feeling her against you was the best feeling youve ever felt. With her hips meeting yours at every thrust you get extremely turned on. You separate her legs more and put your leg over one of hers. Scissoring her was the best thing you've felt in a while. You picked up your speed, moving faster and harder. You begin to feel that with each thrust your getting deeper. She pulls your hair and moans out "fuck im going to cum!" Her legs are a little shaky when she says it. Her nails drag down your back nearly cutting you, causing you to moan. "cum for me baby" you whisper in her ear. She grabs the bed sheets and you begin to moan in sync and you feel the hot liquids come out of her causing you to release your own. You collapse on top of her, "fuck that was amazing" you say. "Its not over yet" she says flipping you over she moves down, slowly licking around your clit, licking you clean, she comes back up and kisses you, "dont you taste so good?" She asks. "Fuck demi" was all you could get out. Youve never felt something like this before, it was amazing. "I dont ever want this to end, i love being with you even though i barely know you" you said, "so move in with me, i need a roommate" demi says. "Really?!" You ask "yes lets get dressed and go get some stuff for tonight, we can move the rest of your stuff tomorrow if you want to." "Of course i would love that!" You say jumping up to get dressed.

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