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Amara and Thomas, entangled in a love that dared to defy the sterile confines of WCKD's controlled environment, navigated the intricacies of their emotions in clandestine secrecy. Within the sterile walls of WCKD's facility, where every move was monitored and every connection scrutinized, Amara and Thomas embarked on a forbidden journey of affection. Their love, shrouded in the shadows of a meticulously controlled world, found expression in stolen glances and furtive encounters, as they bravely sought moments of connection amidst the oppressive grip of WCKD's authority.

In the quiet solitude of an empty room, Thomas held both of Amara's hands, gently rubbing her knuckles as he spoke with heartfelt reassurance, "If anything happens, I swear I will find you again, and I will remember you."

Amara's response was a soft whisper, her voice carrying a steadfast conviction, "I will always remember you, Thomas. I promise." She kissed his knuckle.

A tender smile played on Thomas's lips, allowing Amara to catch the dimple on his right cheek. Slowly, he leaned in, and their lips met in a lingering kiss. Pulling away, he chuckled, his brown eyes searching Amara's, "I love you. Always remember baby." The words hung in the air, weaving a promise that transcended the uncertain circumstances around them.

Unbeknownst to them, their intimate moment unfolded under the watchful gaze of an unseen observer. From the shadows outside the room, someone observed their exchange with an enigmatic expression, leaving the couple oblivious to the eyes that silently bore witness to their heartfelt promises.

Two hours later, Ava Paige stood by, her expression cold and unyielding, as the guards restrained Amara and led her towards the ominous tubes filled with water. Panic surged through her, and she thought back with every ounce of strength she had, kicking and screaming for help.

"Thomas!" she cried, her voice desperate and raw. The guard's grip tightened as they tried to subdue her, but Amara's determination only grew fiercer. She elbowed one in the ribs and scratched at another's face, her cries echoing through the sterile facility.

"Help! Thomas!" Her voice was a haunting mix of fear and defiance, but Ava Paige's demeanour remained unchanged, her gaze fixed on the unfolding struggle.

As they reached the room filled with tubes of water, Amara's eyes widened in horror. Bodies floated inside the tubes, suspended in a macabre stillness. Her breath caught in her throat, and a wave of nausea rolled over her. She recoiled her mind reeling with terror of what lay before.

Ava Paige stepped forward, her voice calm but chilling. "I know what you and Thomas have been doing, sneaking around," she said, her eyes narrowing. Amara's panic intensified, her thoughts racing.

"Where's Thomas? Is he okay?" Amara pleaded, her voice trembling.

Ava's expression remained emotionless. "You won't need to worry about him anymore," she replied, the cold finality of her words slicing through Amara's hope.

As the guards finally overpowered her, they forced Amara into the tube. She continued to scream and thrash, her eyes wide with terror as the cold water began to rise around her. Her heart raced, and her breaths came in ragged gasps as she realised what was happening.

"Thomas," she whispered, her voice breaking as water closed in around her. She took one last desperate gulp of air, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and longing, before the water engulfed her completely.

As she went under, her muffled voice repeated his name, "Thomas," the sound dissipating into the depths. The tube's surface stilled, and the silence fell, leaving the haunting echo of her final plea hanging in the air.

Dressed in sharp, professional attire, Ava Paige led Thomas down a sterile corridor, the cold, artificial lighting casting an eerie glow on the pristine walls. Her voice echoed with calculated calmness as she guided him towards a room cloaked in shadows. The air was heavy with an unsettling tension as they approached, and the distant sounds of rushing water hinted at something ominous.

As the door swung open, Thomas's eyes widened at the harrowing scene before him. Bodies suspended in water, a macabre dance of lifelessness, held in a disturbing tableau. Amidst the haunting spectacle, his gaze locked onto Amara, her features distorted by the water's embrace. The shock of witnessing her submerged form sent a shiver down Thomas's spine, the realization sinking in that WCKD's experiments reached a chilling level of cruelty.

"What are you doing?" He hurried over to Amara, calling out, "Hey!"

His fists pounded against the glass, desperation in his voice, "Stop! Amara! Why is she in there?"

"It's her turn to go to the maze Thomas," Ava Paige stated coldly, her voice carrying an air of authority. She fixed her gaze on him, revealing a keen awareness. "Wicked can't trust her anymore, and I'm well aware of the clandestine meetings you two have been having."

Thomas felt a knot of unease tightening in his stomach as the weight of Ava's words settled. The implications hung in the air, and a sense of impending dread cast a shadow over the already ominous atmosphere.

Thomas, overcome with guilt and desperation, began to freak out, banging on the glass as his repeated mantra echoed, "please stop! let her out! no no no no" The weight of responsibility bore down on him until he slowly surrendered, resting his head against the cold glass. In a whisper filled with remorse, he uttered, "I am so sorry. This is all my fault. I love you forever." The words hung in the air, a poignant admission of regret and an expression of enduring love. "Please remember."

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