chapter 2: innocence in motion

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As Althea raced through the playground, her laughter resonated with the carefree spirit of childhood. The vibrant hues of Naboo's natural beauty provided a picturesque backdrop to their games, the sun casting a warm glow on the gathering of friends. The air was filled with the joyous symphony of children at play, and Althea, with her curls dancing in the breeze, reveled in the simple pleasure of being a part of the lively scene. The playground, a canvas of shared laughter and carefree moments, became a sanctuary where the weight of the galaxy momentarily lifted from young shoulders.

As Althea weaved through the trees, a dance of agility and grace unfolded. The Force, ever attuned to her movements, enhanced her reflexes and guided her like an invisible partner. Her friends, in pursuit, found it nearly impossible to catch her, their sighs of frustration punctuating the chase. 

Althea, unaware of the Force's influence, reveled in the thrill of the game.

Observing Althea's extraordinary speed, Lila marveled, her eyes widened in amazement. 

"How does she move so fast?" she wondered aloud, seeking an explanation for her friend's uncanny abilities. Althea, with laughter echoing in response, remained oblivious to the source of her extraordinary prowess, enjoying the simple joy of the chase.

The game reached its peak, drawing the children to a small clearing where an abandoned ball awaited. In the midst of the heightened excitement, Althea, driven by the thrill, extended her hand to seize the ball before anyone else. The Force, always attuned to her unspoken desires, responded in kind.

The ball trembled, defying gravity as it lifted into the air, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that held the onlooking children in awe. Caught up in her carefree laughter, Althea initially failed to grasp the magnitude of her unintentional display. 

However, as awareness dawned upon her, she quickly dropped the ball to the ground and retreated, a mix of surprise and uncertainty etching her features.

"What just happened?" Eitan, another friend, exclaimed as his eyes fixed on the ball.

"I think Althea did it," Lila said, her eyes brightening with delight. "I heard she can make things move without touching them."

Althea, meanwhile, stood at a slight distance, her heart pounding. The inadvertent use of the Force had startled her, and a swirl of mixed emotions surged within. She wasn't entirely sure how she had made the ball levitate, and the attention it drew from her friends left her feeling both amazed and uneasy.

A quiet murmur spread among the group as the children exchanged surprised looks. The floating ball became a symbol of amazement, a sign of Althea's mysterious connection with the Force, which no one was supposed to know about.

Lila, always filled with curiosity, approached Althea with a combination of fascination and uncertainty. 

"Can you do it once more?" she asked, her voice filled with a delicate mix of excitement and apprehension.

Althea became aware of the attention she had unintentionally attracted, gazed at the ball with a blend of astonishment and comprehension. 

"I... I'm not sure how I did that," she confessed, her innocence evident. The truth was, she genuinely didn't know, and she had no intention of repeating it.

The children were filled with awe as they watched the ball remain motionless on the ground. They kept their eyes fixed on it, afraid that Althea might make it move again, and they would miss seeing it once more.

"Do you have the force?" Lila spoke up with her eyes still wide with fascination, and children's whispers erupted all around them.

"Can you do it with other things? Like, make my toy float?" Eitan chimed in.

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