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t/w for guns, kidnapping, restraint

not proofread I'm tired


PART 1/3


Georgie breathed in the fresh air of the outside as she exited the hospital. Today was gonna be a good day. She had gotten out of work early today, and she had plans to meet up with Dolley. She just hoped she wouldn't talk about Steve and Bucky being alive because she couldn't handle that right now. After that? She had quite the night with Mick planned.

"Pardon me, Miss?"

Georgie turned towards the man. "Yes?"

"Would you mind helping me to my car?" He asked. "I have trouble walking and they unfortunately weren't able to give me a walker." He laughed awkwardly.

Georgie smiled at him. Sure, she was off the clock, but you don't even have to be a nurse in the first place to be a good person. "Of course, Sir." The blonde approached the man and helped him across the lot to his car.

"Say," He started. "I think I recognize you from somewhere. What's your name?"

"Georgie. Georgie Rogers," She replied.

"Well, I'll be. You're Captain America's sister, aren't you?" He asked as they reached his car.

Georgie nodded. "Yes, sir."

The man smiled. "Well, then I'd say you're just about perfect."

"Excuse me?"

The man opened his coat, revealing a pistol. "Get in the backseat and I won't hurt you."

Georgie swallowed. What should she do? Scream? Go with him? If he shot her, well, they were right outside a hospital.

But, then again, if he shot her in the head or right in the heart- she didn't want to think about it.

She slowly nodded and got in the back seat.


The car ride was completely silent, save for the sound of their breathing. Georgie knew it had been at least a couple hours by the time they arrived at some sort of facility. Some sort of isolated facility.

The man helped her out of the car. He brought her into the facility. Her hands were shaking him. Another man greeted him as Dr. Tenbeck.

Georgie was then brought into a room. They asked her several questions about her basic information, they weighed her, measured her height, and then left her alone in that room for several hours. Or maybe it was just a few minutes.

She couldn't really tell you.

Then, the men came back. They escorted her to a different room. They instructed her to lay down. She did so.

"You're brother was a super soldier," One doctor/scientist/whatever the hell started. "Captain America, you're dear, sweet big brother. Don't you wanna be just like him?" He revealed a needle. "Don't you wanna try the serum?" She recognized it. Her breath caught in her throat.

She sat up and the men held her down.

"Stay still," One man hissed.

She didn't. She kicked and she screamed, like a toddler throwing a tantrum. She wanted to go home. See her friends. See her fiance.

But they held her arms down and that's all they really needed. And then they sat her up.

"Put her under. We'll check on her in a few days."

Georgie felt like she could hardly stand. Nonetheless, they directed her over to some sort of chamber. A cryo freeze chamber.

And that was that.

From that day forward, Georgina Rogers was no more than a piece of property.

From that day forward, Georgina Rogers was no more than a potential weapon.

From that day forward, Georgina Rogers was no more than a backup.

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