i've said those words before, but it was a lie (why is it so hard to say)

18 0 1

tw: slight angst at the beginning, very slightly suggestive at the end


"I don't like Nicole."

Admitting that out loud... hurt. In a good way. It felt like someone had lifted the weight of the world off his back, and now all he could do was collapse forwards and cry.

And so he did.

Travis held Dante tightly as the man sobbed into his hoodie. He gently ran a hand through the bluenette's hair, whispering softly to him to try and comfort him.

"It's okay," Travis whispered as Dante continued to cry. "It's okay, Dante. I understand."

"I don't- I-I don't know wh-what to do," Dante sobbed, his voice muffled. "I-I- I ca-can't, I can't break her h-heart-"

"Dante-" Travis took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, resting his head on top of his friend's. Dante's whole body felt hot and shaky and the tears just wouldn't stop falling, no matter how many times he tried to gasp for breath and hold them in. "It's okay. You'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. I'm here for you."

"I-I'm sor-sorry-"

"Don't apologize, Blueberry. It's okay."

Dante walked up to Travis's locker, his hands shoved in his pockets. His hands were shaking and his heart was pounding. He felt like if anything went even slightly wrong now, he'd start crying.

"How did it go?" Travis said the second he noticed Dante was there, quickly turning to his friend. Dante took a deep breath and then threw his arms around Travis.

"It's- It went great," Dante said, starting to cry. Fuck, not again, not in public- "She- She's fine with it. She, uh, she said th-that she hasn't felt that way towards me f-for a while, so-"

"That's great!" Travis said, hugging him back. "Is- Is that an okay response?" Dante laughed slightly, hugging him tighter.

"Yeah. Y-yeah, it's good." He sniffled a bit. The tears went away much quicker this time. "Irene, I- I don't even know what to do now, m-man. I'm so... confused."

"We'll figure it out again, won't we?" Dante smiled.

"Yeah. Y-yeah, we will."

Dante didn't know what to do.

Every time he hung out with Travis, his hands started getting really sweaty and shaky, and he started stuttering and losing his words every time Travis looked at him. Hearing Travis call him "Blueberry" or "Dan" or "Milkshake" or any of the man's other cute, adorable nicknames for him made him blush so much that even Travis was started to notice - and, not to be rude, but Travis was shit at picking up on other people's emotions and feelings.

Feelings. Fuck, feelings.

He didn't want to think about his feelings.

But he had to.

"I'm-" Dante took a deep breath as he stared into the mirror. "I'm... I'm in..." He groaned, clenching his now shaking fists. "I'm in... I'minlovewithTravis." He let out a sigh. "I'm... in love... with Travis."

Why did that feel so difficult to say?

He'd never be confident enough to say that to Travis. For all the confidence he had around most people, it all evaporated the second he looked at Travis. Irene, Travis was perfect. How could he ever like Dante?

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