My Impression on the drama

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Drama: A Journey to Love
Native Title: 一念关山
Also known as: Yi Nian Guan Shan , 一念關山, A Thought of Guanshan
Episodes: 40
Original Network: iQiyi
Director: Zhou Yuan Zhou, Zou Xi
Screenwriter: Zhang Wei
Genres: Romance, Wuxia, Drama, Political

A Journey to love probably not the best drama I watched during 2023, but definitely the most memorable one, coz they killed almost all of the convoy team, they just left Yang Ying and Mr. Ding to be alive.

The end totally out of my expectation, I was really caught off guard… how cruel the ending is. 😭🤧

Seeing how the team firstly assembled, I never thought they will ended tragically, especially after following their journey. The tears, the joy, the blood, the misunderstanding, all are mixed nicely and very captivating.

Spymaster Ning Yuanzhou, the reinstated Liudao Tang chief, and his elite team are tasked to escort a Wu diplomatic delegation to An Kingdom to pay ransom for their captured emperor. Previously he encountered the vicious and deadly Ren Ruyi, a vengeance driven assassin nonpareil who deserted from An. They have overlapping goals and form a wary alliance. Predictably, these aging-out, disillusioned operatives from opposite sides fall in love and indulge in a mid-life crisis amidst a suicide mission to rescue the selfish and foolish Emperor Wu. 

With the sloppy and different characteristic of each member, this is an unexpectedly funny drama, and the humour works well under the monumental task ahead of the delegation. 

Its best achievement is, it makes us fall in love with a motley crew of unforgettable, flawed characters to the point we root for them against all odds and beyond all reason.

This is a rare drama that could captivated me with the whole characters, not only the main lead, but also the supported one. Written by a feminist writer, Ren Ruyi is like a Chinese version of captain marvel; independent, ruthless and persistent; an indestructible woman. She is a killing machine with fantasy level combat abilities, I can say she is a ‘Jason Bourne’ in woman version. 😊 

Ning Yuanzhou described as walks on water; a master spy whose scheming can decide who sits on the thrones of both states. Together they are so formidable that it seems easier to skip the mission or war as they can easily topple any ruler in their way. Though the top character designs with exaggerated abilities and superficial flaws is a bit cliché, but I did obtain petty enjoyment from their bitch slapping, scolding and kicking ass through the two kingdoms. 😅

Speaking about the casting, choosing Liu Yuning and Liu Shishi in the leading roles is really brilliant. Even if there are better and prettier actors, these roles play to their individual strengths and they both executed well. 👏🏻

Liu Yuning plays a character that disguise himself as a plain with (seems) no ambition. A to stand out actor would not work in this role. And Ren Ruyi the stone cold killer is perfectly reflected in Liu Shishi's stoic expressionless face and bright hard eyes. Even as she becomes less guarded and warms up to the delegation, there is bare of relaxation of her taut features; every frown and smile is controlled. Her head is always at an exhausting elevated angle that made me wonder if she has frozen shoulder. Even her grief is so beautiful in a restrained way that made me irritated when she had to show her weakness. Such an aloof portrayal made their chemistry seem decent but actually did not light up the screen, sometimes felt too flat. As fully realized characters that live and die by the sword, they know their life can ended anytime. 

Although rooted on their romance, but I thought their romance peaks is too early, had few true obstacles and repetitive fan service sweet nothings moments. 

Other interesting character are Yang Ying and Li Tongguang, especially Yang Ying, both characters development was well written. He Landou delivers an inspiring portrayal of an uncertain young princess completely in over her head, overcoming fear, heartbreak and every obstacle to emerge as a purposeful person with the courage of her convictions. At surface Li Tongguang appears to be a fascinating character; strong, smart, ambitious and charming. But he actually has a dark side, an odd and creepy Oedipus complex for his master. 

The most problematic part of the narrative doesn't invest in villains; most of the main antagonist characters are killed so quickly which left no impression. And Li Tongguang becomes the most blamed guy; whenever something bad has to happen to create angst or move the plot along, it is pinned on him. Still, all the role is well played enough, and I actually supported the character throughout.

And the best for last, Fang Yilun as Yu Shisan stole the show. I love flawed, humorously self-aware, very mortal characters like this with no special powers or death defying abilities. Hopefully Fang Yilun's amazing comedic expression and timing gets noticed. His shock and aghast at the idea he was falling in love made me shake with laughter and moved me unaccountably at the same time. When he prosaically warned his love not to fall for a rogue like him, I knew she was as much a lost cause as I was. Shisan is the unsung hero of this story. He took up the slack so that Yuanzhou can rescue Ruyi and was there for Qian Zhou, Sun Lang and Yuan Lu through the last legs of their mission. 

He remained true to his life's mantra to live fully with no regrets: drink the finest wine, look at lovely girls, make the best friends, and fight glorious battles. / 这辈子就要喝最烈的酒, 看最美的姑娘, 交最好的朋友, 打最漂亮的仗. It is too bad he did not dare to or did not believe he had the right to love and thus denies his heart to finish the mission. If only I could have changed one thing, I would have had Shisan leap on to that horse along with his love. The other flawed character I enjoyed immensely is Wudi. After Shisan, he made me laugh hardest, especially during the great escape. He also moved me with his profound regret and intent do better.

As for the ending scene, upon re-watch, I realized it is not confusing, it simply pays homage to the meaning of the drama's title Yī Niàn Guān Shān / 一念关山 or A Thought of Guanshan and closes the drama on a note of finality. It is a line from an ancient poem 却东西门行/But the East West Gate written by Shen Yue during the Northern and Southern dynasties. It is a sad poem reflecting on life, the passage of time and destiny. Guanshan/ 关山 refers to memories spanning the mountains and rivers (meaning the far reaches of the empire); of past events joyful and sorrowful. It is an Auld Lang Syne moment where someone who lived on longs for the bygone years and lost friends. It is unnecessarily cruel to close the story with a character that was meant to move on with their life. The bigger point is everyone they are thinking of did not make it out at the other end. The ending to me is not ambiguous.

The final scene is actually very clear, ten years later, the countries are at peace. He County which was the frontier battleground is prosperous and thriving; children are well schooled but the naughty ones sneak out to play. Chu Yue visits the battleground which with a decade of peace is covered with grass. She takes a moment to think of the past, of everyone that sacrificed and imagines either what could have been or that they are in another place. Her fantasy doesn't have to make complete sense because it is just her imagination. The child she sees on the horse is not the same younger child that sneaks out of school. Ning Shisan on the horse is older, with loose hair in a pure white outfit. Chu Yue should not be in this scene. Shisan denied his heart to set her free. He saved her and meant for her to go on, to love and live life with no regrets. It enraged me that they did this to poor Chu Yue and it would have broke Shisan to see her like this.

Whatever reasons in my mind of changing the plot, I am so let down by the ending that’s why I plan to create the novel to give myself a better ending.

It probably will become a very long project, just take it as my admiration for the Liudao Tang member. 😇😍💪🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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