𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝗼𝐝𝐞 10

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Sinclair Washington

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Sinclair Washington

By the end of the fight both of the girls were looking rough. Natalie's wig was off and her wig cap was hanging on a thread. Rollie wig and wig cap was off and whew boy, that was a scary sight to see. Her dress was rolled up and her mouth was bleeding. So yea, that fight was bad.

Then they started to throw things which was pointless cause the fight was over. There was no way the two girls would've fought again the way security was around them. Rollie threw Scotty's phone which made Sin and Scotty both try to hit Rollie.

After the fight, Sin started to get a headache from all the yelling so she just went to her room and started to get ready. She stayed on the phone with Seven talking about feeling drained with the way everything was happening. Seven understands so she just tells her to be string til the end which is near. She's the last one to get on the bus which makes half of the girls worried since she seems down.

She told them that she's fine and talked with the girls while her airpods were in.


After the fun night at Bourbon Street and another club appearance. Sin was tired. She might've got too drunk after another performance and blacked out when they got to the house. But can you blame her. Liquor was the only thing keeping her together during all the club appearances and performances.

She wasn't normally like this but with being on baddies this long she developed certain habits. Many of the girls didn't notice because Sin was always quiet at the club and stayed close with her friends. Of course, Jela and Rock would notice her odd behavior and stay with her just in case anything were to happen. So when she blacked out the girls were the first to pick her up.

Jela got a bad feeling after that cause it was so unusual of her. She prayed over her with Rock to heal her of whatever Sin was going through mentally. She then left the room and told production not to go there because Sin wasn't feeling good. Production tried to get in there anyway and was met with a loud emotional Rock.

CON: Chrisean: Certain shit you just don't do and trying to put a drunk vulnerable woman on camera ain't it.

After she cussed out production she made sure to slam the door shut and lock it so nobody could get in. She helped Sin out of her clothes and into her pj's and slept in the bed with her just in case something else happened. She had a feeling in her heart that this would be the last time she would see Sin before she got arrested.

The next morning, Rock was nowhere to be found and Sin was awoken by Jela shaking her violently. Sin groaned and sat up fast with a mug on her face.

"What, Jela. What's going on," She groaned while rubbing her eyes. Jela looks at her with a serious look in her eyes making Sin stop and look around.

"Jela, where's Rock." She's met with silence and she instantly gets up and puts her shoes on. She runs out of her room with Jela following her while shouting. "She got arrested by the bounty hunters. I'm so sorry, Sin. " Jela comes up beside her. Sin and Jela go outside hearing the loud sirens and bright lights.

Jela takes Sin to where Rock is and she sees Rock in the car crying. Her heart hurts for her close friend and it only gets worse once Rock sees her. She was already bawling her eyes out from being arrested but seeing Sin made it way worse. She kept crying Jela and Rock's name but the officers were blocking their view. They couldn't even get close to her which increased their stress more. They watched the car leave the area and Sin put her hands in her knees as her breathing gets harder to control.

CON: Sin: I knew this was gonna happen sooner or later but it was a hard sight to see. I just miss my baby Rock and hope and pray she is doing well.

Jela rubs her back and gets Sin phone to call her sister Brooklyn. Brooklyn stays on the phone and calms her older sister and Sin finally gets her breathing right. Her mini panic attack made the other girls come over to her and comfort her.

She let's them know she's good and production takes her inside to check on her.

"Are you sure you're okay to stay?"

She stays silent for a few minutes while rubbing her chest. She contemplates on staying but her mental needs a break right after everything she saw. So she opted to take a day break and meet the girls in Houston later. Production is okay with it and sends her a car to go back home in.

She hugs most of the girls and tells them her plans to meet up with them later. She packs her bags and gets into the tinted black car.

CON: Sin: Yall, to be honest I was homesick real bad and I needed to spend time with my sister. Hopefully, I can get in the stu. So see yall soon. *She blows a kiss to the camera*

She meets the girls at Anthony's party and spends time with them there. She finally got to meet the bad boys and of course she had a good time. Jonathan even said she could do her hair whenever she needed it. Of course the girls encountered Sidney again but by that time Sin was already at the new house talking to Rock on face time.

The next time the girls saw Sin was at the strip club. She was in the section for a few minutes enjoying her time with the girls before performance. After her performance she collected her money and dipped. She reunited with Rock at the house and gave her the biggest answer longest hug ever. The two girls cried with each other as Rock talked about her experience in prison.

Finally it was the big finale for them all. Sin took her pictures on the red carpet quickly and headed inside after the group picture. Sin was the last girl to perform in which she performed 4 songs. She performed one of her viral freestyles and Bitch from da Souf. Then she played the features on the remix to Bitch from da Souf and a snippet of her new song Muwop featuring Gucci Mane.

CON: Sin: This was definitely a different experience for me. I enjoyed everything tho including the downs. Even though I was beating bitches up if yoy know what I'm saying. But being for real this taught me a lot and helped me in my music so this ain't the last you gone see of me. You can catch me at that reunion and next season. Mwah Sin signing out *She smiles and hops off the chair.*


So this was the last episode before the post season chpater and reunion chpaters. This book just hit 24k and I wanna say thank you to everybody who reads this book. Thank you for all the votes and comments I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book <3

How did you like the season over all?

Thoughts on Sin?

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