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Chapter 1

Phenix slipped on his black jeans, and buttoned up his white shirt before looping his tie and fastening his black and white converse in to a double knot. He looked in the mirror as he combed back his brunette hair, making it lay slick on his pale scalp. Lastly, he put on a clear chapstick layer and proceeded out the door of his wicked bedroom, going into the halls of his rather 'haunted' as one may call it, mansion.

"There you are son!" His father exclaimed, looking up at Phenix who had just entered the dining room, looking for his morning feast.

Phenix picked up a plate and collected his food he desired on it, before bringing it to the table. His father looked at him from the opposite side.

"So son, you are coming to an age where we expect you to find a partner to follow path alongside you, or rather behind as one may put it. Do you have anyone in mind right now?"

Phenix looked down at his plate, shaking his head in a denying matter.

"Well," His father started once again - but was cut off by his very own wife.

"Good morning the two astonishingly gorgeous men of my life, today is quite a wonderful day isn't it?"

Phenix looked outside. The sky was grey, and rain was pouring, thunder rumbling in the distance.

"Indeed it is darling." His father agreed, wiping his chin with a napkin. All of a sudden, Phenix had lost his appetite.

"I'm going out." He said, standing up and leaving his plate left untouched.

The streets were full of portions of rain. People were hustling under umbrellas to closest shelter, desperate for a source of warmth in the quite obviously cold weather. All except Phenix. He walked along, no hood needed. His clothes were drenched, and although the weather was freezing, he was left un-phased. He had good adaptation of environment and is quite fond of this weather anyways. That's about the only thing he and his parents can agree on. It's kind of a vampire thing.

The streets were nearly empty in the darkness, not a soul seen within a mile. Phenix continued his stroll, converse making the water below splash, when-


Phenix stopped in front of an alley way and heard the commotion. It was the sound of banging against a trashcan, then the roll of a tin can. Phenix looked around him. No one. So, he continued forward down the alleyway where the sound was coming from.

There was space behind a trashcan to his left for something to hide. He knew something had to be behind there. So, he carefully approached it. That's when he saw. A small human-pup, shaking and crouching behind the trash. He knew it was a pup from not only the sound, but also the lighter eyes and crouching position. The boy had fluffy brunette hair that was drenched in the rain. He wore a baggy shirt and some shorts. When he saw Phenix, his green pupils dilated and he started whining.

Phenix crouched down. "Shh.." he hushed the boy. Phenix reached out his hand to touch him, but the boy just flinched, almost instinctively moving away, pressed up farther against the wall.

After a moment of thinking, Phenix stood up. "I'll be right back." He said, quickly rushing out of the alleyway, turning around the corner to a nearby restaurant.

About a minute later, Phenix returned with a bag in his hands. He crouched down next to the pup, revealing a bowl of some sort. He opened it, and the smell of fresh meat met the boys nose.

He sniffed the air.



He looked at the older boys hand, which had the source of the scent in his palm. He looked up at Phenix, and back at the food before leaning down and taking a bite.

It was super good.

He instantly dug in, devouring it in seconds. When it was done, Phenix put it aside.

"I'm Phenix. What's your name?" He asked.

The boy bit his lip.

"Ash..." He mumbled.

Phenix couldn't help but admire how soft his voice was. "Well, hello Ash." He said, extending out his hand slowly towards the boy. This time, he didn't jolt back. Instead, he slightly flinched as Phenix lowered his hand to run his fingers through his hair. It was soft and smooth. He smiled.

"Do you have any family?" He questioned the other, only to get a head shake in response.

Phenix nodded. "Well, how about you come back to my place? I'll get you well taken care of. Does that sound okay?" Ash just stared at him. Phenix got up, walking away a bit, but the other wouldn't budge.

"Hey, what's-" Then he saw it.

The boys leg had burnt flesh and dried blood on its bottom half. It was a concerning color and needed to be taken care of, stat. Phenix wondered to himself how he didn't notice this before.

Phenix sighed and shook his head. He got back down to the ground and suddenly grabbed the boy in a hug.

Before Ash could move, Phenix hushed him. "Don't move." He said. Then, within seconds, they were back where Phenix was at only half an hour ago. His room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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