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"Miss Sun.. aren't you done chatting with your so-called lover?" A boy in his 20s was leaning against the door, sighing being done with his younger sister.

"Phi Night.. When did you arrive?" Sun, almost dropping her phone quickly stood up hearing her older brother.

Night rolled his eyes, coming inside the room and gave her a teasing smile,

"Probably, when you were stalking your own girlfriend's messages or when you excitedly squealed up getting her messages."

Night made a thinking face that made Sun blush like crazy... 

"Phiii..." Sun was whining with the continuous teasing of her older brother. Night just chuckled at his sister and sweetly ruffled her hair.

"Just because I gave you permission to date doesn't mean you have to be in your mobile 24/7, you know.." He frowned. 

Hearing this, Sun pouted..

"I am the top in my class anyways. We are smart, phi and a little message won't distract me.."

Sun promised him and just then, a ting sound came from the mobile.. Sun rushed to get her mobile and smiled widely seeing the message from her lover.

"Isn't that weird though? You guys met online and you haven't even seen her face. Besides, what is this name? Earth." Night said while remembering their past conversations. He went toward the bed and comfortably laying there.

"I don't need to see her face to love her, okay and she l-loves me too.." Sun was blushing crazy defending her girlfriend.

"IS she ugly or what?" Night suddenly said that made Sun give him a death glare.

"Kidding.. If she is ready to take care of you all her life then I willingly accept her but if she breaks your heart, it won't take me a second to break her bones. Doesn't matter if she is a girl" Night said in a warning tone..

"Phi.. She won't do that. She loves me too much!" Sun was defending her lover, but a part of her also agreeing that she has to meet Earth or at least a picture?

"Eww.. People in love stinks!! Okay I am off to my night shift. Take care!" Night said getting off the bed and leaving the house giving Sun a peck on forehead.

"Get yourself a lover, today." He heard Sun's shout and let out a chuckle before replying,

"Same curse won't work everyday!!" 

"Love.. Beautiful." He muttered before smiling his way to the night time work.

The bond between a brother and sister is something that is god-gifted. No amount of relationship can overtake the true bond of siblings.








<Somewhere in this world>

"North. Reject the proposal!" A voice echoed around the empty room. Currently, they were there sitting in North's office after their parents forcefully asked them to spend their 'PRIVATE' time.

North looked at Ongsa with bored eyes not giving a damn and sitting in his chair, folding his legs.

"And why should I? If you have a problem here, fell free to leave and reject out there."

Ongsa rolled here eyes and let out a frustrated sigh. She couldn't marry him, not just him but anyone. Her heart was already with Sun, her lover and no way was she going to back off...

"You think, I didn't try? My parents aren't ready to listen to me. And besides, I have a lover whom I love."  Ongsa folded her arms against the chest and rubbed her temples.

Hearing this, North stood up and arranged his clothes properly. He walked towards Ongsa and looked at her straight in eyes.

"I don't care if you have a boyfriend or not. You want to protect your love, then do it. Don't drag me into this." He was about to leave but before opening the door, he again turned around to face her. 

"Besides, I think we getting married is beneficial to both our companies. Choose your decision wisely." 

Ongsa glared at him and gritted her teeth in anger.

"I would rather choose my lover than this company.. My decision is not going to change. " 

"You are too naïve to choose your lover over your whole career. Trust me, you will come back crying that your little boyfriend left you." North said mocking her.

This was the last straw.

Ongsa smashed the glass from the table to the floor breaking them into pieces.

"Don't you dare talk about my lover like that.. You don't even know anything about love. Maybe one day, when you start loving someone you will realize, how a person becomes important in your life."

With that, she furiously left the room, purposely bumping her shoulder and shutting the door with a loud thud.

This behavior didn't made North flinch or regret anything. He kept staring at the piece on floor and chuckled, 

"Love? Bullshit." He muttered, before calling a butler to clean up the mess.

In this world of business, love doesn't exist!










One thing.. this is not going to be soft and sweet. I decided to try new one?

I don't know when I will be starting this too? Probably around May or June?  Yeah.. cuz I have to complete my ongoing one at first. This one will start only after the first one will end! 

Hope you all are gonna like this one too..:)

I am just leaving this here cuz I can't keep it by myself for long T_T

So till then, you guys...

Thank you all for the patience and time!!

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