What's Your Problem?

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[Kiyoshi's P.O.V.]

"Ughh!" I groaned. 

Just another long tiring day. Even if it was still morning... I slump in my chair but try to keep my composure as I try to wait patiently for the teacher to come and shut these fuckers up. I look out the window and accidentally hear the conversation of  the 'Gossip Girls'.

"Did you hear?! I heard there's a new kid coming and he's pretty cute!" One of the girls exclaimed. 

I scoffed. Maybe they won't have to keep on FUCKING BOTHERING me all the damn time anymore! I frown and cross my arms dying to just get out of that fucking class.

[Third Person P.O.V.]

The teacher walked into the classroom making the whole class fall silent. The teacher walked to the front of the classroom before setting down some pieces of paper on the desk. 

"Ahem! Class, as some of you may have heard there is a new kid indeed coming to our class. Please be kind to him and treat him with respect. Understood?" He asked firmly, 

"Hai!" The whole class answered. 

He walked back towards the door and opened gesturing for the boy to come in. 

[Kiyoshi's P.O.V.]

 The boy was quite tall. (unexpected from Asians... 🤨) He had straight black hair but he could have put more effort into making it look good. He also had dark brown eyes. He had a piercing and... And he had a huge smile on his face... Ew. He already annoys me. Probably just another loud stupid classmate. I payed no attention to his introduction, why should I care? I turn to look out the window once again before turning back around when I hear the teacher calling 

"Ren! Are you listening?" The teacher says a bit annoyed 

"E-eh? Ah, gomen. You were saying something?" Kiyoshi chuckled nervously not wanting detention... again. 

"You're sitting with... How would you like me to address you?" the teacher looked back at Kaito 

"Kaito is fine." he replied with a soft expression and a small smile. 

All the girls began to whisper. Specifically the 'Fangirling Group'. 

"Ahem! Ladies, be quiet please! As I was saying, Kaito will be sitting behind you." He said gesturing to the empty seat behind me. 

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, whatever." 

I watched as the tall boy walked towards his seat and I just had this gut feeling he was gonna get on my nerves. (🎶I GOT A FEELING OOOHHHH🎶 sorry I had too. ✋😩) I could hear the 'Fangirling Group' whisper again. How annoying. I laid my head down on my desk as the teacher began lecturing the girls. Shut the fuck up already!  I then felt a gentle tap on my shoulder from behind. I turned around only to see... What was his name again?... Oh right, Kaito...? I think... Oh fuck it. 

"What do you want?" I said a hint of annoyance in my voice. 

But what I found confusing is the way the boy's face turned a tint of pink and he quietly murmured something before chuckling. 

"What?! Are you saying shit about me? If you are say it to my face!" I said angrily. 

The boy only chuckled again. What the fuck? Is he okay? Maybe he has autism or some shit. Yeah probably. Just some mental disease. Like everyone in this fucking classroom. At least he wasn't loud. But I fucking hate his laugh. I don't know why but every time he chuckles my chest kinda hurts and I feel my heart skip a beat... Oh well maybe I'm just not feeling well... Right?

[Kaito's P.O.V.]

I sat down in my chair watching as the teacher lectured the girls about being noisy. I chuckled and turned my head to the boy in front of me. He had black messy hair and it looked like he wasn't wearing his uniform properly...? Hehe. He's quite cute, I hope we can get along. I then tap his shoulder hoping to get his name. I hear the boy groan as he turned around and asked harshly 

"What do you want?" I heard a hint of annoyance in his voice but his voice was quite cute and soft. 

"Your voice is really cute." I said quietly enough so he couldn't hear. He looked at me in confusion and I just chuckled. 

"What?! Are you saying shit about me? If you are say it to my face!" He said angrily, I just gave him my signature smile that normally sent girls of the edge but smiled to notice he wasn't fazed at all. 

"You're quite feisty huh? And no, I wasn't saying shit about you, but I was already looking at your beautiful face." I said grinning.

I saw the boy's face slightly blush but he quickly got rid of it as he scoffed, 

"Are you tryna flirt with me right now?" He glared at me

"Maybe, only if you don't mind. I need your consent after all~" I replied in a teasing tone (Remember kids consent is a very hot thing. 👑🤌)

He just glared at me and I chuckled. "So what's your name?"

"Are you deaf? The teacher announced it. Ren Kiyoshi, what is it you?" He grumbled,

"I see... The Kiyoshi part is nice but..." I looked up pretending to think to piss him off,

"What?! Are you making fun of my lastname? Ha?!" He said with a scowl.

I chuckled and ruffled his hair making him instantly pull away looking at me with a disgust. How cute. 

"I'd just like to turn it to... Tatsuki... Tatsuki Kiyoshi-kun~" I said making sure to really make the "Tatsuki... Tatsuki Kiyoshi-kun~" in a really seductive voice. 

I then noticed his face turn red and he quickly turned away looking back at the board avoiding any eye contact between us. He's quite cute when he's flustered... I wonder what he would look like under me, all vulnerable and— KAITO. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING. Breath, breath. But still I wonder— NO! I'M NOT DIRTY MINDED...? Right...? I sighed and his my face into my hands before chuckling a smile appearing in my face. Ren Kiyoshi... You really are interesting...

                                                                              meet Bob \('<')/

Hello! Sorry for the short chapter! Thank you so much for reading 'What's Your Problem?' This is actually my first book and if you're reading this thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed reading it and I hope I can make more chapters in the future! Have a cookie pookies! 🍪 

                                           -Ur Lazy Ass Author Lua Kiesko

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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