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Owners note: hiii! I'm kaelie! I'm a huge fan of gvf and taylor swift so this is a DEFINITE wip.
Enjoy! I also reccomend that you DO listen to the song while reading, the whole chapter will make sense with the songs lyrics.

Feb 3. 2014

It was the day before my first day of school in my new town, me and my mom just got here after her and my dad's divorce, I'm glad me and my mom got away from him, he wasn't a good guy at all. Enough of the sappy stuff....

I'm so nervous...why am I so nervous?! It's literally just highschool! Ugh, I'm overthinking this too much.

-day of first day.-
"Mom! What do I wear?! What if people are really judgy?!" I yell from my room, looking at the unpacked boxes of clothes in my closet, I've seen some hippies around town so.. Maybe I'll wear my sublime shirt and just a pair of corduroys.... yup. "Nevermind! I figured it out!" I yell once again, waking up my ginger cat named 'taco'. I've had taco since I was 5, and honestly, he's my only friend beside my mom. It's a new town, maybe there is some cool music playing downtown later.

Me and my mom drive to Frankenmuth high, blasting Fleetwood Mac or Carole king on the way. We pull up and suddenly I get super nervous.. "honey, it will be okay.. I've met our neighbors and they're really nice, their names are Karen and Kelly, they have 4 kids that actually go to Frankenmuth high! 3 boys and a girl." My mom says, trying her best to reassure me. "I dont know mom, I'm really nervous. Can you come in with me?" I ask my mother, giving my BEST puppy dog eyes. "Fine, I'll help you get checked in." My mother says and I jump over the car console to hug her.

We walk into the school, my tote bag thrown over my shoulder. The front desk lady gets me checked in and I hug my mother, whispering her a quick 'I love you'. I walk into the girls bathroom and grab my makeup bag from my tote bag. I decide on just eyeliner and mascara with highliter. A girl walks in and smiles when she sees me "oh my gosh! Are you new? I've never seen you before...and you're really really pretty!" I smile and nervously chuckle "yeah! I am new, actually. I just joined the school today" she smiles widely and grabs me in a hug, I nervously hug back and smile before putting on my necklaces and rings.

I found out that the girls name is 'ronnie' and she has 3 brothers, and I also found out that she's my next door neighbor. We have all classes together and she basically gave me a tour of the school.

I haven't met her brothers yet, but hopefully they're cool.

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