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After the intense exchange they'd had outside, Amari wasn't sure she was in the right frame to be the one to deliver the news to the woman. She was old, over sixty years at least and fragile. It was true that she always tried to separate her personal feelings from her work but with everything that was going on in her life added to having the worst first day of work, she didn't trust herself too much. She turned to Blake who was still standing despite the fact that they had been welcomed to seats.
                  "You want to head this?"
She raised her hands up, "No, you take it."
"Great." She said inwardly and sighed. If this was how everyday of their work would be like, she didn't see herself being in that department for long.
                    "What did you want to ask about my husband?" the woman asked after a moment of silence had passed. "You know, I never thought I'd be discussing him again after all these years."
She frowned, "What do you mean?"
                   "After his death ten years ago, I thought that would be the end of it. Police knocking at my door now and then, answering endless questions about what he had been up to." She turned to Blake who had the same questioning look as her. Clearly the person they had found that morning wasn't this woman's husband. "Would you two like some tea?"
                    "No, thank you," she declined immediately. "But Mrs Manning, if your husband has been dead that long, can I ask who Joe Manning is?"
                      "It's Miss Manning and Joe is my elder brother. We have been living together ever since my husband died." She went on, "I don't know what I would do without him. He is such a sweet old soul and my best friend." This she said with a smile. "He always does the heavy work around here which makes it easier especially since I'm not too strong and I cook for him and the days are easier as we both approach our last days."
Perhaps if she had started with telling her that her brother was dead she would have avoided having to listen to all that which had only triggered her emotions. She felt sorry for her and now, she was stuck in a dilemma. If this woman had such faith in her brother and so dependent on him, what would she do once she learned about his death? It was during moments like this that she felt like she had gone for the wrong career. She however had to get her job done and so, she cleared her throat.
                   "When was the last time you saw him?"
                   "A week ago maybe. He went fishing which he does monthly. Sometimes he will be gone for more than a week, camping in the woods near the lake," she explained. "But always comes back with enough to last as a while once dried. You should see the trout he brings home, he should be back today or tomorrow," she chuckled.
Amari swallowed hard. All this woman needed was company and comfort and she'd had that in her brother. Now with him gone, this was going to be hard. She prepared herself to deliver the news but Blake beat her to it.
                "Miss Manning, we found your brother's body by the lake this morning. That's why we are here." She turned to her but Blake's eyes were fixed on the woman. That wasn't the way to break such news to someone like her. As much as she felt relieved that she hadn't been the one to break the news, she didn't think Blake had taken the best approach. "We are sorry but we need to ask you some questions to help us with our investigation."
                   "Blake!" she exclaimed in disbelief. Their eyes met. "Could you at least give her a minute to process that?" she asked, unable to hold her tongue any longer.
                    "It's okay," the woman said in an almost normal voice which surprised her. "You know, I always thought I'd be the one to die before him. I was wrong."
                    "He didn't just die, he was murdered," Blake went on. "If you could tell us if he had enemies, anyone who might have wanted him dead we would be really grateful."
The woman shook her head, "No, Joe was a very peaceful man. He would never do anything to anyone enough to bring him death." She seemed to be composed but her eyes showed that she had a battle raging inside her.
                  "Not even in his past life?" she asked, contributing to the conversation. The woman seemed to think for a while as if trying to remember something but the moment she was about to think she would answer, maybe give them a clue, the woman shook her head.
                  "I have known him all my life and I can't recall a moment he did something bad."
  After thanking the woman, they headed back to the car with nothing but the hard glances they kept throwing at each other with no words. She would have reprimanded her for the way she had handled things in there but seeing how the woman had responded, she decided to hold it in. She settled in the driver's seat and started the car hoping the ride back wouldn't have any drama. Too bad, drama seemed to be a part of them whenever they were together.
                  "And I thought I was the one who couldn't separate emotions and feelings from work," Blake commented but her gaze was fixed ahead on the road. Nothing seemed to be good enough for her. The moment she talked, she pissed her off. The moment she decided to go silent, that wasn't good enough either? "What was that in there? Couldn't you just tell her directly instead of beating around the bush?" She could have chosen to remain silent, be the bigger person but this just wasn't the day for that.
                   "Well, at least I have them to begin with," she shot back at her but didn't dare to look at her even when she turned to her.
                   "What's that supposed to mean?"
               "It means that I'm human and I am allowed to feel sorry for people. I don't know who brought you up but they did a really shitty job teaching you about humanity." She knew she had crossed a line by saying all that and should have stopped there especially when she turned and saw the look on Blake's face but she didn't. "I mean, what's the difference between you and the person we are after if you can't show a little humanity to a person like that woman. She just lost her brother, wouldn't it be so much better to let her at least give her a moment to process that? But you are so wrapped up in your own shit to realize that!" She went on and on without stopping to think what she was doing. "The only difference you have is that they break the law while you enforce it. But that shouldn't make you an asshole!" she finished.
                  "Stop the car!" Blake said, her tone rising slightly.
                "Why? You can't stand a little meaningful conversation?"
                   "I said, stop the car!" She turned to her. What she hadn't expected to see was tears streaming down her face. Her heart jumped in alarm as everything she had said started rolling back to her. It was then that she realized that she had gone too far. She slowed down and guided the car to a curb.
                    "Blake, I'm sorry I- " she tried but Blake was already heading outside before she could finish her statement. She opened her door quickly and followed her outside. "I didn't mean all that, I was just angry and I'm sorry."
                   "Yeah?" she said in a broken voice which made her feel like her own heart was shattering into pieces. Never once had she ever let her temper get the best part of her. The first time she had done it, she had ended up saying things she would never have said to anyone. "Since you know me that much, why the hell would you still want to work with me? I'm an asshole sure but don't you ever associate that with whoever brought me up, got it?"
She stood there trying to find the right words to say to her but she couldn't. Blake turned on her heels and left her burning in her own guilt. She felt tears forming in her eyes but she blinked them away.
"Goddamn!" She muttered under her breath before going back to the car.

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