Ch. 3 It belongs to Jeong Seyeon

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Just as I was talking with Seojun, we saw Suho covering jugyeong's face and walking past us

Seojun went behind them as well, I didn't mind and made my way to the classroom

After sometime jugyeong came back to the class and everyone crowed around her to check on her

She was hit by a cake not a car
I scoffed

I didn't went, of course she is not a baby that everyone should worry about her, and besides, we aren't even close

I was finally home after another exhausting day at school, I did my homework quickly and started scrolling through my social media

"It has been an year since I uploaded this picture"

That picture of oppa is still the most precious memory in my heart, I smiled and and kept my phone on the nightstand

"Jeongmal Bogosipoyo, oppa"

"Why do I still feel sleepy, Ah! Maybe it's because I woke up earlier than usual

Noway I'm going to ride my bike all the way to school in this state, maybe I'll just walk... or take a bus"

I plugged in my earphones while walking listening to the peaceful music

(song linked above)

Hēi rúguo ni bushì nì wo bushì wo
Hēi duō xiang duō xiang
Hēi ni yào qù na rèn chīnxīn rén tái tóu wàng
Liú bù zhù de guāngliàng
Hēi suí tā

I was singing the song but got cutted off by a loud voice right beside my ear

It was so loud that I could hear it even with the earphones on

"I think you are falling for me already"
That person spoke again while looking at my phone's screen and fixing his hair

"Yah! First, you voice almost made me deaf today
Second, It is suí tā not sweetheart
And third, I won't fall for you even in your dreams, arachi?"
I said taking off my earphones and then pointing at him

"Ara, but you look like a grumpy old granny when you make that face"
He said looking closely at my face while pointing at me

"Me? Grumpy old granny? Yah Han Seojun wait!"

And we were running behind each other like kids

We finally arrived at the school. Seojun was bickering with his friends so I decided to head to the classroom.

I just reached the classroom and saw-

"Your eyes shouldn't have to suffer"
Jugyeong said while closing the curtain beside Suho's seat.

"Goodness, This girl is trying hard to get Suho's attention"
I said and went to my seat

Just then I saw her looking at Suho

"Whatever, let's try to concentrate anyway"

It was the history period, boring as ever.

"Five more minutes of boredom"

I was into my dream world fantasy for the remaining five minutes but suddenly I heard a voice

"I'm sorry but can I be excused to the restroom?"

"Aigoo, this jugyeong will do anything for attention, even if it means to embarrass her"

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