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After school
Gwen's running her hands along the school fence walking while Finney and i are walking with her. They watch the school bullies as they say "there he is." They all look over to us crossing there arms "what was that?" Gwen asks "nothing." Finney states "i'm staying over at Susie's tonight. It's Friday so you know what that means" Gwen says "i'll look after dad." He says while i look at the pair of them confused "i'll be home in the morning, and you better not eat all the ice cream!" I laughed at her comment as she walks a different way from us.

Night time.
The dogs are barking and the crickets are chirping at Finney's house. The fire is on and the music is playing. Terrence was passed out on the couch and Finn took the alcohol bottle from his hands gently and turned off the music. Finn then turns the lamp off. He walks to the kitchen and opens the fridge grabbed some ice cream then walked back to the lounge room and sat on the floor in front of the TV watching movies while he holds his rocket pen in his hand and squeezes it tighter. After Finn had seen a horror scene he quickly put his hand up to his mouth scared looking behind him. He slowly turned back around and pushed his hand down from his mouth as he continued to watch the scene. He fell asleep watching the TV.

With the Arellano's
"Robin i can't do it anymore! I like Finn but i can't tell him because he likes Donna and he's my best friend" I said crying into my brothers shoulder "it's gonna be okay Cora your gonna find someone else alright?" Robin tells me. "Thanks Robin" i sniffled while i hugged my older brother. He has been really overprotective of me ever since the Grabber was announced. I think he's worried as well. "Get some sleep kid" he says to me i just nod and walk back to my room and plop onto the bed quickly falling to sleep.

Finn woke up still holding his little rocket pen to hear his dad yelling and his little sister screaming. He quickly got up and watched his little sister get hit with a belt. Tears poured out of her eyes while she screamed "i'm sorry!!" "Dad stop!!" Finn says trying to help the situation "HEY!" Terrence says now holding the belt up to Finn yelling at him "you stay out of this!" Terrence continues to say "Gwenny, they came to my work. Why did the police come to my work?!" He says using the belt again. "I don't know! I'm sorry!" She says "you need to tell me what you know about this investigation." He says while Finn stands there watching tears roll down his sister's eyes "Nothing!" She yells "tell me what-what!?" He yells at her "nothing." She again says "HUH?" He says raising the belt up to her "Nothing!" She continues to say "What?!" Terrence says. "NOTHING!" She yells grabbing Terrence's alcohol and holding it up "hit me again, and i'm dropping it!" She yells "you drop that, and i will beat your ass twice as hard." He yells back he pretends to hit her and she dropped the bottle.. it shattered and Terrence started to scream. Finn watched in horror. Gwen screamed as Terrence continued to beat her "no dad!!" Finn yelled out "that was an eight-dollar bottle of goddamn vodka!!" He yells out as he continued to beat Gwen. Gwen cried and cried trying to get up "oh, now you listen to me, listen to me. You are not your mother!" Terrence says "i know!" She yells "that means you do not hear things that are not there, you do not SEE things that are not there!" He shouts "okay" she says balling her eyes out. "They are not there, Gwenny!" He shouts again "okay.." she says continuing to cry "and your dreams, they are just fucking dreams. Do you understand me?" He tells her "yes!" She cries out "say it. I want to hear you say it." He tells Gwen while Finn is still just standing there. "My dream are just dreams." She says "say it again!" He yells "my dreams are just dreams!" She yells "say it again." He says holding up the belt "my dreams are just dreams!!" He finally put his belt down and looked at Gwen crying and whimpering "go watch some television or something." Their dad says looking at the kitchen counter "and no ice on that bottom young lady! I want you to think about what you did." He yells while she's walking away Finn continued to watch their dad as he drunk orange juice "did you know anything about this?" He asks Finn and Finn shakes his head in a no "same goes for you, you got that? Now get out" He says. Terrence took a big gulp of his orange juice closing his eyes.

Gwen was sat down in front of the TV and Finn sat down next to her. Gwen leaned her head onto Finn's shoulder and they just sat there watching the TV while Gwen making little sniffles then and there.

(Sorry for the short chapter<3)

~886 words~

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